60 - Hard thinking

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A single low note rang throughout your room. It echoed, the sound bouncing back and forth.

Pressing the same key on the keyboard that you had borrowed from Yuri, you hoped that inspiration would come. You prayed that inspiration would come.

You got up from your lying position and gathered all of the notes that you have made and crumpled them all up. You have no need of them anymore.

You still had no idea what you were going to do about your Free Program. Coming up with jump compositions was rather easy. You just had Victor take a quick look at what you had come up with for a review then made a few adjustments, choosing the jumps that he knew would bring out your true potential. The step sequence would fall into place later on.

Now all you needed is a song.

Fortunately for Yuri, he had you helping with his song choice.

He was right.

Picking a song that you're going to skate to isn't easy at all.

There were a lot of things to consider.

You still wanted the audience to be able to relate to your performance was one thing that you kept in mind.

This would have been a whole lot less painful process for you if Victor just picked a song for you to perform with. That has always been the case with Celestino. You had only ever given suggestions but never outright decided on what song to use for your programs.

You have searched online for a song that is note worthy but still came out empty.

You had enough of this. You weren't getting anywhere.

You got out of your bed and marched over to Yuri's room. You didn't even bother knocking. Once you were inside, you were once again greeted by the sight of numerous 'Victor' posters and other various memorabilia.

He was on his bed asleep and as much as you didn't want to wake up the sleeping beauty, desperate times called for desperate measures.

You plopped yourself right on top of him, knocking the breath right out of the dark haired skater.

To say that he got a rude awakening would be a huge understatement.

He groaned under your weight as you lie on top of him. His eyes were bleary as he lifted his head up to see you staring blankly back at him.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?" He muttered tiredly. He got up a bit to look for his glasses which you handed to him. He placed the spectacles on and rubbed his face.

"I need your help."

Well that woke him up.

It was a rare thing for you to ask your help from anybody. It wasn't a pride thing, you just didn't want to bother anyone if you could.

So you asking for help was not only rare, but also a big deal...especially for him. He never told you this but he secretly liked it when you had gone to him for help. It made him feel needed.

He gently pushed you off of him and he got out of bed, "What's the matter?"

You crossed your arms in front of your chest and pouted like a child, "It's rather embarrassing really."

"(Y/N), c'mon. Just tell me."

You gave him a look and sighed.

"Okay...I need help with picking the music for my own Free skate..."




He stared at you and blinked, "You need my help to pick your music for your Free skate?"

"Ugh...please do not repeat it," you groaned, hiding your face behind your hands, "Repeating it just makes my problem sound worse than it already is." You then began to ramble about how much stress Victor is putting you through.

He's been there.

He looked at you curiously. Right in front of him was the person who rearranged his own music to better represent him and now they couldn't even come up with a song for their own Free skate? Talk about the irony.

He smiled. Not only did he find your antics amusing, he also thought it to be rather cute.

He gently pried your hands off your face and made you look him in the eye, "Hey, hey...look at me. It's alright, I'll help you."

As he said that, a huge grin formed on your lips and you glomped him, hanging on to him as he staggered backwards, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" You pulled away, "I've been searching for the right music all morning and it has been driving me insane."

He raised a brow, "'Searching'?" He asked, "I thought you'd be composing your own piece. I figured you would be able to."

You looked at him incredulously, "Being able to arrange a piece and being able to compose a piece are two very different things. And besides, I don't think I could."

He frowned slightly.

It was one thing for him to think so lowly of himself and it was another for you to be thinking that way. Out of the two of you, he always thought you to be the more confident one, always so sure of themselves. He always admired that about you.

Hearing you say that you couldn't do it did not sit well with him.

"Why not?"

You rubbed your arm sheepishly, "I'm not even that good of a pianist in the first place. I could rearrange notes, make a piece sound good but writing my own music seems like such a scary concept."

It would mean that your feelings, your thoughts would be made public, for everyone to hear.

You didn't want that just yet.

"And besides, if I get to compose my own piece, I might just mess it up," you added lamely as an after thought.

So you wouldn't be composing your own piece.

He nodded, he could respect that. He isn't any better at being able to express himself fully either.

"So, you'd help me?"

He nodded, "What do you have in mind anyway?"

You closed your eyes, deep in thought and plopped back onto his bed.

You kept on coming back empty.

You weren't sure.

"Okay...how about this, have you thought of a theme for this season yet?"

You opened your eyes and looked towards the dark haired skater, "Why? Have you?"

His mood dampened considerably, "No...not yet."

You closed your eyes again, "Well, that makes two of us."

Well...this was certainly going to be a long day.


I feel so productive bwahahaha *cough

Anyways, I want you guys to be a part of decision making for this story as well. I need you to pick Reader-chan's theme ('Love' is already taken by Yuri so...)

Leave a comment in line with the choices below:

1) Strength

2) Courage/Bravery

3) Other (Please specify)

Take note: the program Victor choreographed for the reader would be considered as their SP and so the theme must be in line with the song.

Deadline would be tomorrow, 02/10/17 (I know I'm rushing it a bit, but if you guys want quicker updates, it has to be done^^)

All About Us [Yuri Katsuki x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora