100 - Square one

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You did not tell anyone that you were leaving and yet you had been planning to leave ever since you all got back from the competition. You did not want to have to go through the process of having to tell everyone your reason of wanting to leave. What would you have said? That it was too painful to stay there any longer? That you could hardly set your feelings straight because you just did not know what to feel any more? You thought that now was as good a time as any to finally step out. You did not even leave any indication as to where you were headed. You did not want to risk the chance of them going after you. You did not want to risk having him going after you because you were certain that if he did, you would feel your resolve crumble and change your mind about all of this. You needed this though, you needed out.

You felt as if you have long since overstayed your welcome in the very same place that you have considered home for all these years. They did not have to worry about you any more.

You already had your plane ticket and passport ready the moment you arrived at the airport. You did not bring much with you. You only saw it fit to bring your clothes and a few other valuables. The rest of your stuff that you left could be disposed of.

You took one last look at the road that lead you here. Come to think of it, you have come and gone through this very same airport...it was strange thinking that this would probably your last time here. You sighed and looked straight ahead, not looking back. There were a lot of people and you just wanted to get lost in the crowd.

The plane ride was nothing noteworthy. There had been a bit of a delay but other than that, there was nothing more to say about it. You weren't exactly in a hurry to leave. It wasn't like your destination was going anywhere.

As you stared out the window of the plane you briefly wondered. What if...Just what if he did come after you, asking you to stay? What would you have done? How would you have reacted? You rested your elbow on the arm rest of your seat and propped your chin on the palm of your hand, wistfully looking out the view.

Who were you trying to kid? You should have learned by now that you shouldn't get your hopes up, you'll only get hurt in the end.

This wasn't some fairy tale where everything would magically fix itself with a few sweet words and a gentle touch. It was funny though. Even if you had told yourself that no one was going to go after you, why was it that you still clung to the hope that someone might.

It was stupid and not to mention incredibly naïve.

And before you knew it, your plane has finally taken off. Soon enough, you were soaring above the clouds.

It was far too late to back out now.

Your flight only took a few hours and you had slept for almost the entire trip. You were surprised though, the weather seems to have been in tune with how you were feeling.

After checking out your luggage, you wasted no time hailing a cab.

The sky was overcast and the weather was dreary. The clouds looked dark and heavy with rain. Soon enough, the sky burst open with a downpour, drops of water pelted the ground in an onslaught. You watched as the droplets trickled down the car window. When you were younger, you used to love watching which droplets would make it first like a race from inside the car. The pitter patter of rain drops was relaxing.

You loved the rain...it washes everything away.

For the first half hour of the drive, it was relatively silent. There was nothing but the sound of the rain and other cara thay filled your senses until the driver finally decided to break the ice.

"So, work or pleasure?"

You blinked at his question. The driver of the cab was a middle aged man who seemed nice enough. He was rather portly and his dark hair was beginning to grey. He eyed you through his rear view mirror. You really did not want to have to answer but you felt that it would be rude to ignore him and that he wouldn't leave you alone if you remained silent.

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