24 - Distant

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Based on a prompt by TheRomanceMasterTM

You thought it was pretty immature but seriously, the silent treatment? This wasn't middle school.

It was hard enough that you and Yuri practically lived under the same roof, not to mention have the same practice hours and to add icing to the cake, you two go to the same university together (well, not exactly in the same class but it's hard to not not bump into each other).

This had been going on for two weeks.

Two friking weeks now and Yuri was still avoiding you like the plague to the best of his ability.

He was silent whenever he was forced to be in the same room as you, he speeds off whenever you were trying to talk to him and he favors going out more rather than staying at home with you all because of that little slip.

You two seriously weren't going to talk about what happened in the rink?

A lot needed to be addressed but just as many things were left unsaid.

This was the longest that you two didn't talk second only to that one month when you were upset at him for not telling you he was leaving.

At first you were annoyed, pissed even. You wanted to yell at him for ignoring you for so long...but after the first day of Yuri's 'operation: avoid (Y/N) at all costs', you just felt hurt.

It was a kiss that happened by accident and he was starting to make it out to be wrong to have kissed you...well, at least that was what you thought.

Was he repulsed?

Didn't he like it

It was a blow not only to your self-esteem but also a huge blow to your heart.

Two could play at that game...as much as it pained you to do so.

You had to give it to him though, he managed to drag it out for this long.

"(Y/N), you better pay more attention."

You snapped out of your thoughts once you heard Celestino's voice. He called you out towards him by the skirting of the rink.

You jumped? Wow you must be really out of your game right now...

You were in a daze as you skated towards him.

"What was with that toe loop?" He chastised, "It was sloppy."

You nodded.

"You have to pull your arms in tighter," he made an 'x' with his arms and demonstrated how you should do it, "You were a bit off balance".

You looked down to your skate clad feet, "Yeah. I got it, Celestino."

He stared at you like you had grown another head, "You're not calling me 'Ciao Ciao'?"

You blinked, "I thought you hated that nick name?"

"I-" he shook his head, "Never mind that. Right now, you must focus. I want you to lower the level of your jumps during practice. Show them what you could do later on during your free skate."

You nodded tersely.

"Do a lot of stretching and don't forget to drink lots of water and..."

You toned your coaches' instruction out.

You couldn't help but look to the other end of the rink. There were a lot of other skaters practicing before the competition starts.

You saw him.

He wasn't looking your way.

You sighed. You skated towards the rink's exit and headed for the locker room. Celestino was surprised of how unfocused you are.

You took your skating guards from him and went away. You didn't want to stay on the ice anymore.

He only hoped that your despondency didn't come back to haunt you during the competition.

The same goes for his other student who also wasn't in his best today.

You breathed out a sigh of relief when there was only one other person there.

You took a seat on one of the benches and ran a hand through your hair. Never mind that it was a bit tousled before the program started.

You felt tired.

The other person looked at you as he downed a bottle of water, "What's wrong with you?" He was roughly the same age as you, if not younger. He had brown hair that framed his face and a fringe that almost covers his left eye.

You were brought out of your musings when he spoke. His voice was harsh, clipped.

You looked at him oddly, "I don't think that it's any of your business."

He narrowed his eyes at you, "You're (Y/N), right? (Y/N) (L/N)?"

You laughed dryly, "Didn't know I was famous."

His intense gaze didn't let up, "Believe me, you're not at least in my book."

"You know it's strange that you know my name but I do not know yours."

He looked surprised all of a sudden and then chuckled dryly, "You don't remember me."

You raised a brow, "Should I?"

He smiled wryly, "I figured you should...since you probably remember my older brother," he started, "You know, the one that you killed."

Your eyes widened.

He said it so accusingly you felt your heart pound through your chest.

"You're Ethan's brother..." You said breathlessly.

"Ding ding ding!" He clapped his hands, "We have a winner!"

"I didn't...It wasn't my-"

"'It wasn't my', it wasn't your fault?" He laughed, "Oh, (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)...I could probably write a whole list as to why It's your fault."

You were silent.

"Oh, what?" He smirked, "Cat got your tongue?"

You narrowed your eyes at him, "I didn't do anything wrong...It wasn't my fault."

He pursed his lips and placed a finger under his chin as if in thought, "Is that what you tell yourself so that you could sleep soundly at night?"

You didn't answer.

You felt your resolve crumbling, your voice dying down in your throat.

He scoffed, "You know I never pegged you for one who would take a liking to figure skating. Much less have the audacity to claw your way to Nationals last year..." He paused. He drew closer to you, "I figured you would be too gutless as to make it this far into the sport...just like when you ran away four years ago..."

"I wasn't running away!" You gritted your teeth.

He took a step back, feigning a surprised look that you really wanted to beat out of his face at the moment, "I'm so scared, I'm trembling." He then laughed, "Not."

You eyed him warily.

"Oh no need for that scary look, (Y/N)." He said flippantly, "It really doesn't suit you."

"What do you want from me?"

He smirked, "Oh me? Nothing I could get from you for sure," he teased but then his expression turned dark, "All I want is my brother back...but you can't bring him back now could you?"

He turned to leave you there, frozen.

"See you on the ice," he smiled, "(Y/N)..."

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