124 - Minuscule

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He grounded out his teeth the same time that he shook out the tension off his arms and legs. His legs were screaming in protest and his lungs were threatening to burst some time soon but he did not want to stop. Running was a part of his training regimen, it always has been. It has given him endurance and has improved his stamina. And although he was never really one to look forward to them even with all the benefits that it did bring, it has done wonders for keeping him in shape. And as an athlete, he needed to be. Honestly, he would love to get more sleep if he could. But he didn't. He couldn't.

Only just recently, his morning runs had served as a means of release. He believes that it helps take his mind off the constant tug of stress. There were far too many things that plagues his mind as of late and an early morning run helped ease off the load on his shoulders...a bit. Now it seems as if with every step he took forward, another bothersome thought wormed its way into his brain. Doubt. Anxiety...the usual. The gears in his brain were running on overdrive, never stopping as they were always on the move. His run was becoming rather counterproductive, only working his heart and lungs for him so that he could keep going. He was having second thoughts about leaving his hotel room to push through with this.

So what was the point?

In the end of it all, Yuri felt just as tight and tense as he did when he had began. His brain wouldn't seem to shut up. There was just far too much to think about.

The Japanese skater bent and stretched at the corner of the park before he was in sight of the sidewalks and the main road. He breathed in the fresh morning air, the smell of the grass and of the trees wafted in the cool breeze. It was admittedly, a nice morning. It wasn't too hot nor was it too cold. It was a perfect day for a morning run. The breeze rustled the leaves in the trees as he made his way deeper into the park. Sweat slicked his body but he paid the icky feeling no mind. He was used to it. He could no longer hear much of the vehicles in the streets as he went further in. 

He knew that he should be worried. He knew that he could not leisurely hope that everything bad would just disappear.  He couldn't exactly afford to slack off either seeing as life could only be so kind.

He knew that he wouldn't be the only person in the park. There weren't that many but it was still rather early to say. He had already walked past a couple of people who had the same idea as him and went on a morning run. He had also come across a young woman who seemed to have her hands full walking five dogs.

It came as a bit of a surprise to him, one who travels a lot because of what he does. He had come across what others would call a realization, an epiphany of sorts. He realized that no matter where you go, no matter where you are...there are some things that stay the same. Just because that you're some place else doesn't mean that you're looking at a different sunrise. Just because the people you meet are unfamiliar, it doesn't mean that you're no longer living under the very same sky. The surroundings change, yes. But it is that very same fact that gives him a sense of peace, a comfort. Knowing that some things would still remain the same, reassures him.

He had been wandering aimlessly for what seemed like a few minutes before he decided to just sit down on a near by bench and rest a while. He could feel his body relax a bit and his tenseness was momentarily forgotten as he leaned against the back rest. With his hand, he rubbed the back of his neck in exhaustion, only now realizing how much strain he had placed his body under. The sweat made his shirt cling onto him like second skin and he doubted that he smelled that good but what he smelled like was the least of his problems right now. He had lost track of how far he has gone, but judging by the relief he had felt when he had sat down, he'd say he had at least run a mile. Or maybe he was just exaggerating. Either way, he was glad to have found a seat.

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