70 - Watch me

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Victor managed to grab everyone's attention once he had changed out of his casual clothing and into a suit and tie...it wasn't any surprise that everyone's eyes were on him. This was Victor they were talking about. He was probably the only- if not- the most eye catching person in the rink.

He went on about it being his 'glorious debut' as coach or something and that he needed to be in, quote, 'formal attire'. You and Yuri just drowned him out.

He could wear a brown paper bag over himself and he would still look good.


Focus.Yuri, focus.

He needed to focus. He needed to do his best if he wanted a chance to redeem himself at the Grand Prix Finals.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the event is about to start. Warm ups are over."

It was almost time for him to take to the ice.

You and Victor were already there with you a little ways behind the silverette. You were busy tightening the laces of your skates.

"As your coach, what shoukd I say before sending you off to your program?" Victor questioned as he set aside Yuri's skate guards.

You snorted in the background, "How about, 'break a leg' out there?" You then feigned an apologetic look, "Oops, wrong  context."

To say that you were miffed was an understatement.

You were annoyed.

If Yuri was nervous, sure, you'd understand. You would be there with him every step of the way.

But when Yuri was like this. It ticked you off. Because this wasn't him. This wasn't the Yuri you know.

There were times during competitions where he becomes colder and more self-centered. You could easily write it off as his anxiety manifesting itself in a different way but still...

He better learn to pay closer attention to those around him.

Both Victor and Yuri chuckled nervously. Well, Victor chuckled whereas Yuri paled considerably.

"I'll just go over there for a bit..." Victor pointed to some odd direction, "to get a better view," he lamely excused himself and left the two of you.

'Better view' his foot. He just didn't want to deal with an angry (Y/N).

'Gee...thanks for nothing, Victor,' he grimly thought as his coach left him to fend for himself.

Yuri was in for it this time. With no one to save him, he was at your mercy.

Yuri shakily reached out for his canteen to take a drink. However upon lifting his eyes, he was greeted with a stern look on your face.

He placed a hand over his thumping heart.

How did you get there in front of him so fast was beyond him.

He looked away nervously. What did he do to tick you off this time? Ever since warm ups, you were being all prickly. You had been doing your best to avoid him.

"Oi, Yuri."


"Do me a favor."

He blinked, "A favor?"

You nodded, "Look at me."

He gulped and slowly looked at you. What he saw was not the same serious look you gave him earlier, but you now had a warm, gentle expression on your face.

He thought for sure you were mad at him.

You reached forward and embraced his stiff form. He was tense. He soon relaxed in your touch and hesitantly wrapped his arms around you as well. His face was steaming red, and the flashes of light and the sound of shutters going off weren't helping his situation any...but he paid them no heed.

"Please don't forget to enjoy yourself out there."

His eyes widened.

"Never mind the press...never mind the audience...just skate."

Finally, Yuri nods and you gave him a small smile. You leaned in closer and gave him a quick peck on the lips which left him even redder than he was before.

"I'm sure that you could do that much, Yuri." Your hold on him loosened.


Your warm smile suddenly morphed into a more teasing one, "You have to be able to seduce me though if you want more than a peck."


You laughed at his reaction. Yuri never fails to amuse you.

As soon as your laughter died down, Yuri had a more serious look on his face, "I'll do it."

This time, what he said caught you off guard.

"I'll do my best out there..." He started and held your hands tightly in his, "So...please watch me."

You nodded, "I will."

And with that, he lets go and was off.

"Good luck, Yuri!!" Minako and Takeshi shouted from the partition.

You bit your lip and silently wished him luck as well.

You watched as he got into position in the center of the ice.

'Strange...I hadn't realized just how nervous I was until now...' He thought as he readied himself.

The fast paced guitar intro rang throughout the rink.

With the previous tenseness gone, he was able to start his routine with the necessary sultry fluidity that it required.

Queue the smirk that sends everyone's heart stuttering to a stop and...step sequence which you knew he could perform flawlessly.

The crowd wasn't as responsive which sent Yuri thinking of a way to compensate.

His first jump was a triple Axel from a spread eagle.

The crowd was enraptured.

He landed the jump perfectly which garnered an imediete response from you. You clapped your hands and cheered him on.

Next jump was a quad Salchow...and you winced as his hand touched the ice as he landed. It was over rotated by just a tad bit.

Yuri gritted his teeth at his fumble.

His routine was far from over and he still has a chance to make up for the lost points.

He mentally kicked himself.

He should have been more careful.

He remembers something that Victor had told him back in the inn. When a figure skater skates, their body creates music.

Well...the audience wants music?

He'll give them the best damn symphony anyone has ever heard.

The best music you have ever heard.

He'll make sure of it.


70 chapters...oh boi...

And 50K+ views!! Thank you guys!!

I'm so happy ajsjqkakaoqjanma

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