25 - Numb

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"Oh, before I forget," the younger skater added with a smile that you knew had a hidden meaning behind it, "The name's Damon Pierce. I do hope you remember it this time."

He left you to your thoughts.

All of the things you were trying to forget came back to you in a flash. You staggered backwards.

You placed a hand on your mouth, trying to prevent yourself from making a cry. Your body was racked with a shudder.

He even looked like him. A spitting image of his late brother.

Except he wasn't him. He wasn't your friend.

The clear blue eyes that usually crinkled whenever you cracked a corny joke or did something stupid was replaced by the cold grey ones of his younger brother.

It was painful.

It was like seeing him for the first time.

You wanted to cry...yell...just something to expel the horrible feeling you had.

But you couldn't.

You didn't want to feel, but you did.

You walked back into the rink, your skating guards making a soft 'clank' on the ground as you stepped.

Your body was on autopilot. Everything else around you didn't exist. The noise, the crowd, the music all went past you.

The program was about to start.

The first performer took to the ice...then the next...and the next.

Then it was Yuri's turn to perform.

You swore you were watching, you really were. But his movements seemed dulled and you simply failed to keep track of him.

But by the sound of the audience's applause, you assumed he did rather good for the short program.

He looked disheartened as he approached the side of the rink where  Celestino was waiting with a comforting smile on his face.

He felt like he could do better.

You knew he could do better.

Soon enough you saw a brunette brushed past you, nearly shoving you with his shoulder.

He smirked when he saw your dumbstruck expression.

The little imp.

He entered the rink and the crowd roared. He must have been pretty well known around this parts for the audience to have a reaction like that.

The music that played through the speakers was heavy. It wasn't that easy on the ears but the crowd didn't seem to mind.

His SP was nothing short of stunning.

He wasn't exhibitting grace like most skaters would prefer.

His movements were rough and torrid...angry even. He brought something new to the plate and the crowd just ate it up.

His jumps were amazing having landed all of them. Not to mention his step sequence still turned out great despite him tiring out near the end of the song.

When his routine ended, he turned to you with a challenging look in his eye as if he was baiting you to beat him.

He cheered when his scores were announced.

The little imp just scored a personal best for his short program.

You would have loved to...

But you were out of it at the moment.

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