105 - A bitter pill

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To say that your parents were worried was an understatement. Despite having an umbrella, you managed to arrive home soaked to the skin. You told them not to worry but your father already gave you a stern look, telling you to take care of yourself better while your mom was already in her 'mom mode', ushering you to go and change into something dry. Your mom badgered you concerning where you have been all day to which you honestly responded, 'you've wondered around the neighborhood'. It wasn't a lie. You just felt the need to omit the fact that you were not alone the entire time. It was crazy enough to meet the younger brother of your best friend here of all places, you really did not need your parents to flip.

It was on that very evening where you began to feel the after effects of your earlier excursion. It was almost laughable how quick you have succumbed to a fever. Waves of heat coursed through you despite the rather chilly temperature. You idly wondered if Damon was starting to come up with a cold or something of the like as well.

Your legs felt like jelly and the living room wouldn't seem to stop spinning and yet you were nicely cocooned in a large blanket on the couch with your laptop in tow. You were sick but it didn't mean that you would just lay around and wait for the horrible feeling pass over. You were growing bored so you decided to kill time by surfing the internet, maybe play a few games later on.

You should have thought things through because as soon as you began to browse, you began to see their names and their pictures all littered about. There were articles, pictures and videos about what transpired in Beijing. You should have known better. Distance meant nothing. It was as if even the internet was making a mockery of your feelings by bombarding you with things that reminded you of them, things that reminded you of him. You felt dizzy all of a sudden.

The sight of him, that was all it took for the breath to be knocked out of you. It was those stupid memories again, the very same ones that hurt you the most. The happy ones were the worst. They cut you inside as if they were shards of glass.

You recoiled. The sudden blow to your heart jarred you. You quickly shut your laptop off and put it away, breathing heavily. You ran a hand through your hair, trying to take a moment to calm your erratic heart beat.

Just when you thought the day held such promise.

'Heavy,' was the only way you could describe the weight in your chest. You had to carry it around even if you did not want to. It was always over you now, casting a shadow on your (e/c) eyes. It hung by a thin thread, too weak, too fragile, too flimsy to hold onto a burden with such a weight. It snapped so many times now that you did not bother to even keep track anymore. It crushed you inside making it hard for you to breathe.

There should be a way to stop time when these things happen, when some people choose to erase other people from their minds, press a button, punch in a code, scan their retina or whatever it is they do, you just wished that there was a way to just forget. You want to be able to just say, 'No more; no more suffering, time to throw the cards in the air and see where they fall.'

You were now standing on the brink of something that you could not describe. The weight returned with a vengeance, it was pressing down on your shoulders. Your head hung low, heavy with the thoughts of him.

The logical side of you was telling you to think of yourself for once, to save yourself from the pain while your battered down heart was telling you not to let go. You did not know what to believe anymore. You don't even think your heart could take another death blow. You want to stop hurting but you knew that it comes at a cost. You can't fully let go of the past without losing something sacred. The good and the bad were mashing up together, becoming opposite sides of the same coin.

You blamed yourself for this. Scratch that, you blame the very foundations of human biology. If it weren't for your brain being hardwired to remember the bad stuff to keep you alive, then you could easily move on with your life. But no, cavemen just had to remember that saber-tooth tigers like mauling people.

You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. Your fever wasn't even that bad yet and you're brain's already loopy. You pulled your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around your shins. You weren't ready. What if you curled up into a ball? Maybe then you wouldn't have to face real life? You'd be protected from everything around you. Maybe then, you would finally be safe. Sleep was a welcome thought. A temporary reprieve from what you had just seen.

You laid back, trying to get yourself comfortable. Not even a few seconds later, your phone began to ring.

You felt panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in your abdomen. Your heart was threatening to burst right out of your chest. Thoughts began to race in your head, you wanted them to slow down so that you could breathe. The room began to spin for the second time.

You didn't expect for anyone to call. You did not want to know who was calling in fear of it being- you unconsciously swiped your phone to answer anyway. Your mouth was dry. It was an unknown number.


"Just who the hell do you think you are, falling off the face of the earth like that?!" A shrill voice cut through the other end of the call.

Your eyes widened. You could recognize that voice from any where. You just did not expect the fifteen year-old, Russian skater to call you any time soon. In fact, you weren't expecting anyone's calls at all since you blocked their numbers on your phone. You knew him though, he wouldn't just call for something petty. He would have had a very good reason to call you if it were so, "Y-Yuri? What are you-"

"Why the fuck are you calling me 'Yuri'?! Don't associate me with that stupid pig!"

You blinked in confusion. Your panic soon ebbed away, "I don't understand-"

"What? You tired of calling me 'Yurio' already?! What the hell happened to all your stupid nick names?!" He bit off, "Quit being a timid piece of shit and tell me off or something!" He demanded.

Your eye brows creased together as he bombarded you with more questions. You had to put your phone further away from your ear, "Slow down, I can't-"

The younger skater continued to yell, "Why the hell didn't you call me back?! You even went as far as to block my number, you fucking ass hole!"

"...Yuri, I-"

"Don't you fucking dare call me by that other name! The (Y/N) I know would never call me by name! Bring them back!" He was obviously at the breaking point of his patience, one which wasn't very long to begin with.

The old (Y/N)?

You were stunned. It took a minute for you to compose yourself, "I...I'm sorry-"

"Your sorry means shit to me!"

"...Then why did you call?"






It was silent for a bit before you heard him speak in Russian, he most likely uttered a string of curses and then scoffed on the other end, "You are such a dumbass...you made me worry, that's why..." he trailed off into a whisper.

It took you a moment to register what he had said before you felt a small smile creep through your features. Your expression was lighter.

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