86 - Play a waiting game

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He could not help but feel a bit irritated as he stared at his phone. He had found himself rereading the very same text message he sent the night before. He figured that if he stared long enough, he might actually receive a reply. Then again, it was rather stupid thinking that he would be able to hear of you anytime soon. You were rather busy at the moment after all. It shouldn't have surprised him in the least that you no longer had anything else to say on the matter when he was the one who hadn't responded first.


You didn't answer his original question.

His grip on the device tightened slightly.

'This is stupid...' he thought.

He didn't know why he did it, he didn't know why he had gone out of his way to send you a message. He didn't see the reason why he had to check on you. He might have done it on a whim. Perhaps he just felt bored.

It really didn't matter now anyways but he found his thoughts going back to the two idiots who were with you right now. Were they really that inconsiderate about your feelings? What kind of imbeciles were they?

He doesn't even know why it bothers him so much. He blames it on the fact that the three of you all get into his nerves and it drives him so crazy that he had to at least address it. The three of you (mostly Victor) were rather prominent in social media so it was almost impossible not to know what was going on even when he was not with you guys.

It didn't come out the way he had hoped though. Now he made it sound like he was actually concerned.

Hah. Not likely. Pigs will fly before he admits that he was the tiniest bit concerned for what was going through your head right now. In fact, he shouldn't even be sticking his nose in other peoples business to begin with! He could live a long and happy life when he just keeps to himself. They could do whatever they want and he still wouldn't give a damn.

At least...that's what he likes to think.

He glanced towards the window. The weather was cold and dreary as usual. The clouds were rather dark making it feel a lot colder for some reason. The whole place seemed rather desolate to be honest.

He propped his elbow on the table and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. He acted so aloof but in truth, his mind was racing.

"Yuri~ your pal is up next," the red head called him over, "Come and watch with us. His program is about to start."

Oh yeah. He was supposed to be watching the Cup of China.

"No thanks," he grumbled half-heartedly and placed his phone down on the table, "I could see fine from here, Mila."

She pouted, "You're no fun."

He scoffed.

The pig was up next. Having had the opportunity to skate against him earlier on, he sort of had an idea of what the Japanese Yuri was capable of. Then again, it has been quite some time since he had last seen him skate.

As he watched, he had observed the dark haired skater's movements (It was quite hard to concentrate at first since Mila kept on interjecting some nonsensical comment every now and then but he successfully drowned her out soon enough). Something was definitely different about the way he skated.

'He has gotten rather confident all of a sudden...' He mused. His lips formed into a thin line. He didn't think that...no.

He took a sip from his juice box, the straw dangling off his lips as he watched

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He took a sip from his juice box, the straw dangling off his lips as he watched. His eyes narrowed slightly. He could tell that the whole audience was enraptured by his performance. The sound of their applause was irritatingly deafening. He could feel the familiar competitive surge bubble within his chest. He felt particularly ticked when the dark haired skater landed the quad Salchow...it also didn't help that he was going to finish his short program with the highest technical difficulty in history.

Had Victor really bolstered his confidence that much?

As Yuri proceeded with the step sequence, he couldn't help admire how much the Japanese skater had improved in such a short span of time. Of course, he would never ever say that out loud.

Jump after jump, the pig had been landing all of them with such precision. His routine was definitely not something to sneeze at, it was practically flawless.

"We just witnessed the birth of a new Yuri Katsuki!" The announcer said as Japanese Yuri ended his routine, "Today, love wins! No one can deny that was a perfect performance!"

He bit the inside of his cheek in distaste. The pig has now scored his own personal best.


He watched as the dark haired skater skated towards the Kiss and Cry. Thanks to the camera panning over to the skirting, he could also see Victor rushing to greet him.

That was weird. You were nowhere to be seen.

Something was certainly wrong. His hand itched to grab his phone again but went against it. He was sure you were fine? No need to worry himself over nothing. He'll get back to you later if he has to.

"Oi, Georgi is skating next you know?" Mila said disrupting his thoughts.

He looked away, no longer interested, "Whatever..." he muttered.

The ginger wouldn't leave him alone, "I bet that he's skating like that because of his recent break up with that ice dancer, you know the one that he always post kissy photos with?"

He gritted his teeth in annoyance and slammed his fist down the table, "Leave me out of this hag! I don't need you regaling stories about that guys love life!"

"Eh? What's wrong Yuri?" she questioned, "You seem more tense than usual."

"It's none of your damn business, hag!"

Her eyes trailed to his phone which she had noticed he was now holding onto very tightly. She grinned slyly, "And just who were you texting?"

"Shut up already!" he practically growled.

"Is it your girlfriend? The one that you wouldn't tell me anything about?"

He responded with a low growl.

The red head's eyes twinkled, "Perhaps its your boyfriend?"

"Fuck off!"

She chuckled, enjoying how riled up the younger skater could get.

Despite his earlier protests, he did end up watching his rink mate's performance. There were some cringe worthy moments where he swore he could almost hear Georgi's inner monologue. He was way too into his program.

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