85 - Here we go again

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There were times where Yuri wanted nothing more than to crawl under a rock and die. It was sad to say that this was one of those times.

He was shaking as he held his phone, a picture of a certain naked Russian draping his arms around him. He has been hearing things from some of the people in the rink. Now they probably think that he wasn't taking this competition seriously and that he was fooling around with his coach.

He sent a worn look towards the culprit who had posted the photo, "P-Phichit, why did you post this?"

The Thai skater nervously rubbed the back of his neck. At the very least, he had the decency to look somewhat apologetic, "I'm sorry, Yuri. I really couldn't resist sharing it..."

There was still some time left before the program actually begun so he, Phichit, Leo and Guang-Hong were waiting at the sidelines. The picture that Phichit had posted the night before became the talk of everyone that morning. Everyone was buzzing about it.

Great. That was just great. Controversy was exactly what he needed before the competition. Note the sarcasm.

"That's not fair, Phichit," Leo complained, "We didn't even post anything from last night."

"We managed to hold ourselves back only for you to post something first." Guang-Hong sullenly supplied, "We feel so betrayed."

Yuri sweat dropped. They were all far too eager in wanting to let the whole world know what transpired in the restaurant.

Phichit laughed sheepishly, "I said I was sorry, alright? Please forgive me."

Leo and Guang-Hong turned their back on the Thai skater and crossed their arms with a 'hmph'.

"Guys..." Phichit whined.

Yuri took a deep breath to calm himself. 'If I mess up now, who knows what they'll say...' Suddenly, the idea of failing in front of all those people seemed even more daunting than usual.

He was about to take a step back but before he even could, he could feel someone press themselves against him and snake their hand from behind, stroking his rear. The action made him as stiff as a board and made him let out an undignified squeak.

"Yuri..." the other person's voice was smooth and sultry, "Why didn't you invite me last night? You've hurt my feelings, you know?"


Christophe Giacometti is a 25 year old, Swiss figure skater who was also competing in the same division. He and Yuri had bvery brief encounters with each other and they weren't really that close.

The other skater's green eyes twinkled and he smiled softly as Yuri mentioned his name, "My, my, Yuri. You've gotten into shape," the older skater said, "I guess you'd owe it all to your master who gives you very thorough training."

Yuri gulped. He tried to look away from the Swiss man's face, hoping that someone would come to his aid as he was starting to feel rather unsettled, "I-I wouldn't know about that...Victor has been nothing but kind to us..."

Chris hummed in acknowledgement, "Speaking of 'us', " he held Yuri closer to him, so much so that Yuri could feel the Swiss man's breath on his neck, "Where is your partner?"

"Ah. (Y/N) is-"

"(Y/N) is right here, thank you for asking."

Both Chris and Yuri turned to see you with Victor trailing a little ways behind you. You were already changed into what you were supposed to wear for your short program with your jacket draped over you and you had your thermos in one hand.

Your expression however, was unreadable.

Chris let go of the dark haired skater in favor of heading towards you instead, he gently took your free hand in his, "It's been far too long since we've last seen each other, (Y/N)," and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles, "Far too long."

Yuri got flustered as he watched the err...exchange. His heart pounded painfully against his chest.

You allowed a minuscule smile grace your features and retracted your hand, subtly wiping it against your jacket, "Admittedly it's not long enough."

"Oh? Surely you must have missed me as much as I missed you."

Your smile, although obviously forced became even sweeter, "I'm sorry I'm just being honest. Would you mind if I may say something?"

"Hm?" He sent you a coy smile, "Of course-"

Without so much as a warning, you grabbed him by the collar of his jacket. You did not care if you caused a scene, you've been a bit on the edge since last night, "Let me get one thing clear, Giacometti," your voice was low, "I do not appreciate you groping my boyfriend's ass like that. If I were you, I'd keep my hands to myself...that is if you still want to have hands by the end of this competition."

The temperature dropped at least ten degrees but but despite your threat, the Swiss just took in in stride. He didn't allow your menacing aura to get the best of him, "I was just teasing, (Y/N). No need to be so uptight." The fool was still smiling in spite of what you had said.

You scoffed, "Just because you think we're friends, don't take my words lightly." And with that, you left with everyone staring at your retreating form. You just passed by Yuri without so much as looking at him.

He was having second thoughts as to follow you or not.

It was rather quiet after that.

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