141 - See through

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Victor knew something was off the moment he greeted both you and Yuri down at the hotel lobby that morning. The dismal greeting coming from the two of you already set off a few warning bells in the silverette's head. You were standing a little ways away from the Japanese skater and had been doing everything in your power to avoid his gaze which was very much unlike you. And when the two of you did talk, Yuri kept his responses rather clipped and straight to the point. It was painfully obvious that the ravenette had little interest in keeping up a conversation with you. And watching it all unfold right before his very eyes was...painful. It was physically painful, so much so that the mere sight was difficult to stomach.

Stepping outside was refreshing and maybe, just maybe it would do you both some good. There were small piles of freshly fallen snow here and there dotting the sidewalk. The wintry mist was cold against his skin and perked him up a little bit from his newly awoken stupor. As the three of you walked on, the sky seemed to become more vibrant and more bright, replacing the dull greys with a sky that is more bluish than charcoal. In the not so busy road that they took there was the tincture of a brand new day. It was another clean slate.

But none of that mattered when both his companions' mind seemed to be focused elsewhere and that dampened his mood quite a bit.

The plan was to go out for breakfast that morning. Taking in some of the sights whilst eating was the initial plan but so far into the short walk to the nearest cafe, he has been literally caught in between the two of you as you both made a point not to be walking right next to each other. The action, from what he could gather, was intentional. He tried moving ahead, the two of you followed suit. Taking a step back? You both waited for him to pick up his pace and take his spot in the middle.

Finally reaching your destination, you all quickly picked out your orders and paid for it accordingly. You all considered yourselves fortunate that the line wasn't all that long. Victor took it upon himself to pick a table. Once he found one that you could all agree on, this was where things got a little crazy. Arranging yourselves on the seats appropriately took at least ten good minutes. Those were ten minutes Victor was never going to get back. In the end, you chose to sit opposite of Yuri who in turn was going to sit beside Victor.

Now, he was nothing but a mere observer but it was taking every bit of his will power to bring the matter up with either of you. The twenty-seven year old tried to come up with plausible reasons as to why the two of you were acting up the way you were. He knew that it wasn't his place to pry (if he did, you would probably lash out at him) but both your actions were a cause of concern especially with the competition taking place a little later that evening. He was merely concerned not only what this would mean for Yuri's psyche during the competition, but also what this would mean after it's all over. Victor really did not want a repeat of all the drama after the Cup of China not when the three of you had finally made peace with each other.

The two of you had better get your acts together.

Which is why in the past twenty-seven minutes he has been sitting awkwardly in between the two of you during break fast, he had devised a plan. It wasn't so much as a plan as it was something he had come up with a few seconds ago. 

He was just going to have to make it up as he goes. 

He watched silently as you aimlessly stirred your coffee with the stirrer that came with it then turned to the bespectacled man who quietly ate his own food, not once looking in your direction. Neither of you had spoken a word since you all took a seat on the table and had your breakfast served. The silence wasn't just awkward, it was downright uncomfortable. Victor had to put an end to it otherwise he just might lose it.

He was going to be subtle. Victor never really did know how to deal with such delicate emotions so he was going to have to take things slow-

"So what happened between the two of you?"

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