28 - Believe

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A couple...

A couple.

That was what the two of you were.

He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you were together-together.

It was all so surreal.

Not only did he qualify for the Grand Prix Finals, but he managed to get his feelings across (although admittedly, the way he did it was rather sloppy).

He couldn't help the stupid grin that formed on his face when you assured him that the feeling was mutual, that you liked him as well.

He was on cloud nine.

As he pondered about it more and more, he found it to be sort of clichéd.

He fell in love with his best friend.

His best friend likes him back.

He got his message across.

They're technically together now.

And he was the one who made the first move.

You were kind of miffed about that. You blamed your inner turmoil during the competition.

He would be lying if he said that he didn't think it would be awkward.

He was glad that you were feeling particularly gracious and didn't give him a hard time.

In fact, you were pretty casual about it.

The feelings have changed, but everything else still stayed the same.

You two are friends before you ever became a couple.

This was the person who promised that they would quote, 'beat his ass' when he first taught you how to not fall on your butt when skating. This was the person who threatened to 'skin him with a cheese grater and feed his innards to the fishes' if he didn't buy your snacks.

But he loved you.

He doesn't know the exact reason why but he was sure that though the time that you two have been together, he had grown to love you not just as a friend, but someone - as cheesy as it sounds - who lights up his world.

He cringed.

But it was true.

He really had no idea what to do next. He blanked out.

He didn't think he would have mustered up the courage to get this far with you.

His history with relationships isn't that promising.

Since you were the first person he has ever actually really truly liked.

He never really did have a real relationship yet...

Well, he did have a crush on Yuko ever since she stood up for him when Takeshi was being an ass when they were younger but those feelings soon shifted towards you ever since you appointed him as your coach out of the blue.

He admired your boldness. It was a trait that he didn't have.

He was usually the one who tends to shy away from things because he thinks that he couldn't do it.

You made him stronger, in a sense.

When you were around, he feels more sure of himself. You gave him the confidence that he sorely lacks.

He doesn't know why but when he is with you, he feels that he could do the things that he only ever dreamed of doing.

He wanted to better himself.

He wanted to better himself for you.

He wanted to be able to overcome the things that he was too afraid of before.

And he knows he could do it as long as you were by his side.


Short, I know but we're slowly treading to canon territory now.

A little insight from Yuri's POV.

8K+ views guys, thank you ^^

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