6 - Connect the dots

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To say you were excited was a big understatement.

You were really, really, really excited!

Today was the day you would be finally be released of your shackles binding you to the hell hole people called 'high school'.

The graduation ceremony would be taking place outside, in the school courtyard.

And you thought that the people who organized did a good job at picking where it would be held.

The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom and its petals gently fell like snow.

It was as if mother nature was supporting you by making your send off into the world as beautiful and dramatic as possible.

The seats were arranged alphabetically so you peered around, looking for your row. Once you found your seat, you unceremoniously plopped down, leaning backwards with your arms cushioning your head.

People slowly started filing in and filling the empty seats.

Students at the front and parents at the back section.

You saw a familiar mop of black hair and a pair of unmistakable blue framed glasses. Yuri was accompanied by his parents and his sister, Mari.

You waved to them and they smiled towards you, Yuri waved back.

It's hard to believe that you've been living in Hasetsu for almost a year now and not much has changed.

Time sure did fly by so fast.

Your parents, despite their base of operations being in Japan, they tend to travel a lot because of their job leaving you at home most of the time.

They missed your birthday, so you were still a bit hung up over that.

To your surprise, Yuri invited you to have dinner at their place on your special day (it wasn't like you didn't spend majority of your time goofing off at their place) and you found it to be really sweet of him.

You were practically adopted into their little family which you revelled in the thought of.

It made you feel all giddy and warm inside.

You also went under Minako-sensei's wing to learn how to be more graceful, per se and you have undergone a huge improvement in both dancing and figure skating.

Despite all the bruises, blisters and muscle pain you have received in a year, you were not quite in Yuri's level yet.

But you have already reached the point where Yuri wasn't as wary to teach you a few jumps he thinks you could execute (so long as he was there to watch you of course).

It just made you all the more determined to do your best.

It pays to know people who knows lots of stuff so they could teach you said stuff that they know.

What started out as something to take your mind of your teenage crisis became one of your newfound passions.

You just grew a year older, probably a little taller (Yuri was slightly miffed that you were a good, few inches taller than him) but otherwise you were still the same ol' you.

Yuri once teased that despite becoming a year older, it did nothing maturity-wise to which you responded in kind by giving him a painful noogie.

Speaking of Yuri, the same couldn't be said for him.

He lost some weight in the span of the year which left you with mixed feelings.

On one hand, the new Yuri looked...more handsome than he already was but on the other hand...you missed the cuddlier version of the dark haired teen.

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