35 - Breaking Point

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Today was yet another crap day.

On top of your professor nagging on you for a half-assed report (he shouldn't really blame you. You've not been feeling your best for the past couple of days), you also had to wait for three whole hours for one of your class mates to talk about what to do for your group project only for him to bail on you on the last minute.

You were cold, tired and above everything else, hungry.

Once inside the apartment you were, in a lack for a better word - surprised.

Yuri was in there. He was standing there in the living room.

You had to pinch yourself on your arm. You were so tired you were probably hallucinating.

"Ow...Okay, I'm not as crazy as I think..." You muttered breathlessly, "Yuri?"

He had a small smile on his face and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "H-hey, (Y/N)."

You awkwardly waved but then shook your head, "Wait, what are you doing here? Where's Ciao Ciao? I thought you two wouldn't be back for at least another day."

"I actually went ahead..."

You blinked, "So let me get this straight, you left Ciao Ciao back in Russia?"

He nodded slowly, not looking you in the eye as if you had caught him sticking his hand in the cookie jar.

You furrowed your eye brows, "You could have called me and I would have picked you up at the air port."

"I know...I'm sorry..."

You scrutinized the dark haired skater's appearance and noticed the tired look on his face and the bags under his eyes.

He fidgeted under your gaze.

You frowned.

You unceremoniously dropped your bag on the floor and carefully approached him. He shied away from you as you did.

You sighed.

You sat on the couch and motioned for him to take a seat beside you.

He awkwardly took a seat beside you. You rolled your eyes at him, "Just take a seat, I don't bite."

With you uttering those familiar words from when you two first met, he relaxed a bit.

The two of you just sat there in comfortable silence for the next few minutes. None of you uttered a word to each other.

Well, you more so than him. He still looked a little uneasy.

He looked so out of it you just had to intervene.

"So...I ate your ice cream after you left."

He made a face, "That was mine."

"Could you blame me? I was hungry."

He frowned at you and you chuckled softly, "Don't worry. I bought you another one."

And queue another beat of silence.

You never were one to stay quiet for long. The 'no-talking' was beginning to unnerve you.

You took a deep breath. You were not sure whether or not you were going to regret saying this.

You just went for it.

"I watched you skate..."

There you said it. Addressing the elephant in the room wasn't as easy as you thought.

Yuri's eyes widened and he averted your gaze.

"I wish I were there to cheer you on," you admitted, "It was a great performance-"

"Please stop."

You stared at him curiously, "What do you-"

"Stop lying to me, (Y/N)."

You were taken aback.

"You don't have to say that for my sake...I know I messed up." He muttered disdainfully. And you knew full well that he was directing all the contempt of his tone towards himself, "You don't have to make me feel better. You aren't obligated to."

You narrowed your eyes towards him, "So what do you want me to say? 'That it was a shitty performance'? Because I beg to differ."

"Well it was," he said almost inaudibly.

"I'm telling you it was not." You insisted, "Just what made you think that I was lying?"

"You're just saying those things to try and cheer me up," he said, "Please don't because it is doing anything but."

You scoffed, "Nice to know you have such faith in me, Katsuki." You muttered bitingly.

He winced at your tone.

"I don't think you could get this through your thick head but I will say it again, you did great out there, Yuri." You said, slowly placing your hands on the sides of his face and made him face you, "You did your best and it captivated me. Your skating took my breath away...and no one could say otherwise."

Yuri's lip began to quiver and his eyes started to moisten. You brushed away the stray tears with your thumb.

"I feel like I failed you."

You unintentionally let out a small gasp at his admission.

"I know you're disappointed in me...I fell in last place." He was shaking now, "I wasn't good enough. I failed...I failed."

So that's what it was.

You wrapped your arms around him in an embrace. He immediately reciprocated and held on to you like a life line as he cried.

He completely broke down.

Yuri was easily the most sensitive between the two of you and you had taken it upon yourself to pick up the pieces when he breaks.

You knew he would do the same for you.

It tears you up to see him like this, so troubled and unsure of himself.

He needed a pillar of support...and that is what you'll be.

"You did no such thing, Yuri," you soothed, "I am not not disappointed. I have never been more proud of you as I have been when you skated."

He just shook his head at the crook of your neck, you could feel his tears dampen your shirt.

"I- Icouldn't..." He said in between sobs.

"You 'couldn't'?"

"I cracked," he muttered, "I couldn't take it. With every thing that was going on...The program, t-the crowd...Viichan...and you."

Your breathing hitched.

"I didn't realize how m-much I needed y-you until then." He shyly admitted, his voice muffled by your proximity.

Yuri soon stopped crying and fell silent in your arms. He nestled closer to you. You closed your eyes and leaned in closer to him.

"I'm here now..." You muttered, "I'm here."

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