8. Tell-tale signs

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E I G H T:

So far, the lessons I had went to were great. Adam was in quite a few of my classes along with Jamie -- so far. Funnily enough though, we all ended up being in the same history class.

Alex sat beside me, knowing very well Mr Parkinson would veto her sitting beside her boyfriend. That left Jamie, Wes, Adam and Daniel. We all were well aware with just how much Jamie disliked Wes and always avoided sitting beside him at all times and, Adam and Daniel, being the cheeky jerks they were rushed to sit beside each other, leaving Jamie fuming and Wes waving her over and patting the seat beside him.

"Have fun, Jamie." Alex snorted, sinking into her seat as Mr Parkinson announced his presence. I quickly sent her a thumbs up which she did not appreciate.

"Good day, all I hope you enjoyed your summer break and now ready for a year of hard work and your SAT's." Mr Parkinson happily greeted the class which resulted into students mumbling about how annoying he was. Mr Parkinson's eyes roamed around the classroom before he stopped and stared behind Alex and I. "Nope, I don't think so Mr Case and Mr Giovanni."

"What are you talking about, Parkinson?" Daniel questioned.

"You two aren't allowed to sit next to each other -- not in my classroom."

"What? Is our sexual tension too much?" Daniel sassed to which Alex happily commented, "that's my boyfriend right there," proudly.

"Dan-Dan, stop!" Adam giggled in falsetto, "He doesn't need to know about our thexual tenthion to know that I heart you. He he!" I, along with our classmates chuckled at Adam's voice and new found lisp.

"Mr Case, switch places with Miss Michelson. Now."

"Wait what?" I sat straight in my seat not really sure if he said my name or not, and before I could ask Alex she merely nodded her head and muttered, "Yup, nice going Mr Prickson." I sighed and waved goodbye to Alex and stood beside Daniel and Adam's desk waiting for him to move. Jamie gives me an 'in your face' look and I shrugged and gestured to Daniel who didn't annoy me and her peeved face resumed.

Adam made a girly whine before turning to Daniel and putting his finger on his mouth to shush him, "Sh-Sh, I'll be waiting for you after clath." He stood up slowly looking down at Daniel with a lustful look before whispering, "I'll be waiting for you, Dan-Dan." And Daniel, even though very annoyed with Mr Parkinson looked to Adam to give him a wink and kiss before going back to glaring at Mr Parkinson.

"I can't sit next to my girlfriend, I can't sit next to my best friend, you're killing me, Parkinson."

"You'll live, Mr Giovanni." Mr Parkinson rolled his eyes before starting our first history lesson of the academic year.

"At least I'm sitting next to you. How ya doin' Aims?"

"Pretty good what with it being senior year and all. Just think about it, this will be the last year you will be seeing Mr Parkinson. Forever." I responded whist writing down today's date with my bedazzled pen.

"Huh, oh yeah." Daniel nodded impressed by the news. "Jamie is so pissed that Parkinson didn't move her." He simpered and I turned to look at her and laughed a little too. Jamie was at the edge of the table, sat at the edge of her seat, as far away as she could get from Wes with one hand bunching her hair in annoyance whilst she furiously took notes.

Mr Parkinson's lesson went extremely fast and by the time I knew it, I was already close to the end of my first day back to school. The bell signalling the end of the lesson sounded and everyone made their way to the cafeteria.

Alex rushed out to beat the crowds and Daniel followed suit. Jamie ran like hell to get away from Wes and Wes just laughed before leaving with one of his football teammates. Everyone was probably already in the cafeteria as I put away my books and pencil case neatly in my bag.

"Woah, you sure do take pride in your stationary and school work, Michelson." Adam stood beside me with a smile on his face.

I was going to greet him but then, I remembered the beach. So instead of being nice and not holding grudges, I did the opposite. I narrowed my eyes into slits and harshly threw my backpack onto my shoulder before regarding him as, "marshmallow robber." and stomped away from him.

But of course, he caught up with me easily. "You're still mad about that? I'm sorry, Aimee I didn't know how much they meant to you." He humored which I was not impressed with and continued to ignore him. "Alright fine, let me buy you your lunch." I waved my paper lunch bag in his face to show that my mom already had that covered. After several moments of silence from Adam trying to come up with other suggestions to buy me back into his friendship, we had reached the cafeteria and Adam snapped his fingers at me as we walked toward our lunch table. "I'll buy you ice cream with a side of cheese and onion chips."

"Sold!" I smiled. "Pleasure falling out with you Mr Case." I joked and took a seat at the table.

Everyone was already seated. Alex was sat beside her boyfriend with her head on his shoulder and Daniel's arms around her as they peacefully ate their cookies whilst Daniel conversed with Jamie.

"No no, Aims. You're sitting next to me." Jamie laughed before harshly grabbing me and sitting my butt next to her seat.

"Ouch! You know, I would've just gotten out of my seat and walked over I didn't need you to drag me. Jeez woman." I whined, rubbing my butt.

"Sorry but I couldn't risk those seconds. Wes pops up anywhere." Jamie apologized. Adam took a seat beside me which meant that Wes, if he showed up, would sit beside Daniel.

"You should really just admit you like him now, Jamie." Alex commented as innocently as she could with her mouth full of Oreo.

"So hot, Xan." Daniel chuckled at his girlfriend who merely shrugged.

The most peaceful Alex ever was, was when she's sat down at lunch. Still, after all the years I've known Alex, it continued to surprise me. Alex and Daniel were always peaceful when it came to food. Even when they'd be arguing, they'd simply pause or resolve it real quick so they could just eat in peace.

"What are you talking about, Alexandra? I do not like Weston. At all." Jamie denied.

"Alright, okay, hun." Alex scoffed with sarcasm at her friend and I joined her.

"What?" Jamie asked annoyed, staring between the two of us.

"Oh, Jamie." I sighed and patted her shoulder with pity. She didn't bode well to my actions of pity and smacked my hand away, just making Alex and I laugh even more.

"Oh my gosh, what?"

"You wanna know how I know when you're lying, Jamie?" Jamie responded with a face that meant 'go on' in an irked manner. "You always use full names. You used my full name, which by the way don't ever do that again or I'll cut you, and you said Weston."

Jamie spluttered with this new found information, "W-well I always say Weston."

"No you don't. " Alex, Daniel, Adam and I all said in unison which further proved just how right Alex was.

"What up my dudes and dudettes?" Wes appeared cheerfully, taking a seat next to Daniel.

A moment of silence passed by before Jamie yelled, "I do not like him!" after not being able to stand our patronizing looks; and then hastily left the table.

"What was that about?" Wes questioned and we all ignored him and chose to converse over something else to save Jamie's pride.

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