67. You Belong With Me

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S I X T Y S E V E N:

The sound of shuffling woke me up from my light slumber and I hold my breath, waiting for a tell that it was someone breaking in. Seconds passed, and I figured it was Belle or someone who had got up for water or whatever and turned in my bed to change my sleep position for the millionth time to be comfortable. But the silhoutte I had gotten a peak of when I cracked my eyes open for a millisecond, slowly entered my room, taking cautious steps to avoid the loud spots on the floor, I was certain I was going to die.

I shot up, hitting my bedside lamp the same time the silhouette raised his hand to switch on my room lights.

I smacked my hand over my mouth mid-scream. "Adam?" I said behind my hands.

He gave me a quick smile, shrugging off his jacket. "Yeah, sorry did I wake you? I didn't mean to scare you, Michelson."

"Are you kidding? You couldbn't have texted me before and to let me know?!" I roughly whispered, "I almost woke up everyone in the house, I thought you were going to kill me!"

He doesn't hide his laughter, the corners of his mouth tweaking up, his melodious laugh softening my irritation toward him dramatically. "You're adorable, you know that?"

"Well you're... a rat." Ben Blush stirred in his sleep. "T-turn those lights on, they're burning my eyes."

"And your cheeks-"


"Okay, okay!" He did as I asked, turning back around and took a seat on my bed. "Better?"

"Thank you." I huffed, shying my face away from the lamp light before Ben Blush was revealed again. "What are you doing here?" I asked, watching him pull off his shoes and neatly place them at the foot of my bed.

"I'm doing what we normally do." He answered, going over to the other side of the bed.

"But I didn't... Adam, you don't have to do this-"

"I need this, Aimee." His voice sounded genuine. "Falling asleep over the phone just isn't doing it for me tonight." He stared at my eyes. "I missed you."

No words could even begin to describe the overwhelming feeling that spurred in my chest that had me feeling like I was on cloud nine. I nodded, "I- yeah, okay, Adam." I welcomed Adam in my bed with a lift of my blanket, awaiting for him to slide in. The bed slightly dipped as he got in and I turned off the lamp, letting him pull me toward him and lay on his chest, the only sound being our soft breathing and the beating of Adam's heart. "You okay?" I murmured, my fingers drawing delicate shapes on his stomach.

"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep."

"We can talk about it if you want, Adam."

"You're tired, we should just go to sleep."

"Oh come on, I need some pillow talk after you scared me half to death."

"You sure?"

"Certain. Now tell me, what goes on in the mind of Adam Sexy Case, I'm curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat." He chided, letting his hands run through mt hair.

"And it's a good thing cat's have nine lives now, isn't it? Satisfaction brought it back to life."

"Touché." He chuckled, the vibrations running through my ear.

"Thanks, now tell me what's up. Real men talk about their feelings, they don't bottle it up." I teased, a sigh fell from his lips. "Come on, I don't bite."

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