12. The Not Date Date.

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T W E L V E:

I stood outside the entrance of the building not knowing where else to stand or go considering I had no idea what car Adam drove or if he even drove a car. To make it even more difficult, I didn't have his phone number -- which was kinda shocking considering I've known him since we were six and I had Wes and Daniel's. After five minutes passed of me playing candy crush on my phone I began to think Adam had forgotten and a feeling of sadness gushed over me.

"Great." I said to myself, "just great." At that moment, I decided to seriously curse Adam and overthink it all. If he didn't show up then that made me look like a fool and Alex and Jamie were probably already home which would mean I'd have to walk home. On the plus side, when Alex and Jamie ask about it and I tell them he was a no-show, they'd most likely ruin Adam. That would make me feel better.

Just as I was about to start my long journey home -- okay maybe I was exaggerating a little but still -- I heard a distant call of my name and swiveled around to see Adam emerge through the doors with damp hair sticking to his forehead, holding a gym bag along with his backpack. "Michelson, you're still here." He breathed with a relieved look on his face.

"I thought you forgot so I was just about to walk home." I shrugged sheepishly with no idea why I just told him that.

"Forget? About you? Oh, Michelson I could never." Adam slung his arm around my neck as he guided me to wherever his vehicle was parked.

"Yeah, I was going to call you but I realized I didn't have you number, so." I shrugged.

"Smooth!" Adam nodded his head and I cocked my head to the side. "All you had to do was ask, Michelson."


I rolled my eyes and quickly pushed my hair in front of my face to shield the color increase on my cheeks.

Two can play at this game, Adam Case.

"Oh you know, thought I'd win you over quicker this way." I replied earning a head shake on his half.

"You thought right, babe!" He said in his falsetto voice and pulled out his phone to give me his number. Once we exchanged digits ( which left me feeling like I had real potential to be a player without even trying), Adam brought his attention back to getting to the ice cream place. "Let's get going."

"Please tell me you don't ride a motorcycle because then I will not-"

"Nope but Daniel does." He replied, "I may be what they call the schools 'bad boy' but I don't ride a bike, Michelson."

"Oh thank god, I don't know how Daniel does it."

Adam chuckled, "When Alex gets angry at him she takes off with his bike."

"Sounds like Alex." I laughed.

"Yeah she's pretty feisty. The only reason Dan doesn't go completely insane is because she knows how to drive it." Adam stopped in front of a slightly rusted truck and I nod approvingly. "It's not much but I love Stacy." Adam patted the hood of his car lovingly.

"Stacy?" I indulged, tilting my head to one side.

"Yep. Stacy." He confirmed looking at me straight in the eye "Got a problem with that, Michelson?" He walked to the passengers side.

"Oh, no no. It's just- never mind." I shrugged it off still amused by Adam's name for the car and the fact that Stacy's Mom was playing in my head.

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