You Flirt with Them

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You begin to flirt with them but when they flirt back you get really flustered because you aren't used to being flirted back with. (You aren't in a relationship yet)


When you started flirting with Arthur, he thought that you were just being nice or playful, trying to get a reaction from him. He assumed that you didn't actually have any real feelings for him. Still, your words often put a pink tint on his cheeks. It was Dutch that suggested that Arthur tried to flirt back with you a little, since he could see that your feelings towards Arthur were genuine. So Arthur would take on the advice and would flirt back, more than surprised by your reaction. You instantly went quiet, seemingly unable to talk, and your face turning red. Once he was over his surprise, Arthur would apologise for embarrassing you or something. You just about managed to assure him that it was fine and that he didn't do anything wrong. He was confused by your reaction but when you explained that you just weren't used to people flirting back with you, Arthur began to understand why you reacted that way. He would think that it was a little sweet, since he also didn't react very well to people flirting with him, he didn't know how to react to it either. So you could both help each other get used to it!


Dutch noticed your flirting instantly, he knows when somebody is flirting with him. He lets it slide the first few times, wondering if you were being serious or not. But whenever you flirted with him he would smirk but not say anything obviously flirtatious in return. Then he decided that he was going to flirt back. He approached you and said something flirtatious, like you usually did to him, and was surprised by your reaction. He definitely hadn't expected you to get so flustered so easily considering the way you had been acting but he was definitely curious now. Dutch thinks that it is pretty adorable when you get all flustered at the slightest hint of flirting, you were more complicated than he had originally thought. When you explained that you weren't used to being flirted back with, Dutch would be surprised, "what do you mean people don't flirt with you? They don't know what they're missing", once again making you blush. But he wouldn't be deterred, you were clearly interested in him and he would keep pursuing you.


Micah was surprised when you started flirting with him, he isn't used to being flirted with. Usually he does the flirting at it is met with rejection. But once he got over his initial surprise, your flirtations started to amuse him. So, Micah started to flirt back pretty quickly. He waited for you to flirt with him again and once you did, he flirted back and laid it on thick. As soon as Micah started flirting back, you got all flustered. Your face went red and your voice got caught in your throat, you weren't used to having people return your flirtations. When he saw how flustered you got, he was even more amused than before. With this new knowledge, Micah kept flirting with you, enjoying the flustered reactions that he got from you. Since he already knew that you were interested in him, since you had been flirting with him, he didn't let it go. Whenever he saw you he would flirt and get you flustered, you weren't sure how to react to his words.


Charles didn't flirt back straight away when you started flirting with him. This wasn't because he wasn't interested, it was just because he didn't feel much of a need too. You seemed confident enough flirting with him so he assured that you knew that he returned your feelings. However, Charles noticed that even though you flirted with him, you never tried to advance things from there. He figured that you wanted him to make some sort of move to assure you that he did return your feelings. So when you next flirted with him, he flirted back with a smile. He was definitely a little surprised by your reaction, he just didn't expect you to get so flustered and lost for words. You wouldn't rarely have to explain yourself to Charles, he would kind of get an idea of what was going on when he saw your reaction. You weren't used to having people flirt back with you. Charles would just smile at you and talk to you like he normally would, helping you relax and feel comfortable. 

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