The Van der Linde Gang: Medical Professional

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The Van der Linde Gang & Medical Professional Reader

Summary: you are a medical professional that works in the ER (from modern times) but you and all your supplies end up in 1899 and you join the gang and help them with medical emergencies.

This turned out to be more of a headcanon type thing, hope that's okay!

Word Count: 600

The gang had been hesitant to accept you into the gang, to accept anyone new into the gang. But they didn't take too much convincing in the end.

Once you explained that you were a medical profession who worked in the emergency room, they warmed up to the idea. You had dealt with stab wounds, bullet wounds, broken bones. Anything they needed, you could handle it.

If they weren't already convinced, when you explained that you had all of your medical supplies or could get all of your medical supplies, they are already setting up a place in the camp for you.

You quickly become one of Dutch's favourite members of the gang. It's more like he hires you than takes you in. He gave you your own tent and had a tent prepared that you could use as a practice room, an operating room if it came to it. Dutch would probably even pay you if you asked him too.

None of them had seen a doctor work so productively. The way you stitched wounds saw impressive, the scars healing better than any other scars that the gang members had received before. It was more than clear that you knew what you were doing.

Your most regular patient is Arthur Morgan, no surprise there. You swear that he's in that tent daily, maybe you're being over dramatic but it's not far off. He's always getting into trouble since he does most of the work in the camp but you have no problem with helping him out.

You wish they would stop playing Five Finger Fillet...You get the men of the gang coming to you with cut up hands more often than you would like. You tell them to stop...they don't listen.

You know a lot of embarrassing things about the members of the gang. If they hurt themselves in a stupid or embarrassing way, they come to you. You ask them what happened, needing to know how they got injured. They try to lie but you know when they are lying. You always get the truth out of them but promise not to tell anyone. Doctor-Patient confidentiality and all that.

Bill often gets into fights or some how injures himself when drunk. He used to just keep it to himself, knowing that the gang would tease him about it. But you never tease him or make fun of him, you are kind and polite. So, he comes to you with his injuries.

The first time Micah visited you was after he got shot, that was the only time he was somewhat willing to admit that he needed your help. It's debatable whether he actually warms up to you but he slowly starts to visits you more when he needs to.

You slowly become the most trusted member of the gang. You assume that it's something to do with the Doctor-Patient confidentiality and how you never seem to judge them, no matter what they say. It's all part of the job. But the members of the gang do seem more relaxed around you and find talking to you really easy. If they need to talk about something that isn't health related, they still probably come to you.

That nasty cough that Hosea has? You're on it! Even if you can't cure it, you can make it much more bearable for him.

Now, the most important point....

Tuberculosis? I think the fuck not. You are on the case as soon as Arthur coughs, modern medicine is more advanced and able to combat tuberculosis. Your number one priority is curing Arthur Morgan.

Vaccinate your Cowboys, folks!


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