The First Time They Kiss you

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Arthur was sitting away from the camp, leaning back against a tree and looking out over the water, sketching in his journal. You had been looking for him and finally found him there. You glanced over his shoulder before sitting down beside him, trying to get a glimpse of what he was drawing. All you managed to make out was the shape of a person before he noticed you were there and aimed the journal away so that you couldn't see it. You had seen a few of his sketches, when he had shown you them, and you always loved when he would share them with you.

"What are you drawing?" you asked but Arthur just told you that it was nothing important. After some slightly pleading from you, he finally gave in and opened his journal again, revealing a sketch of you. You were more than flattered. "Arthur, it's beautiful. You're really talented" you gushed, as you always do over him but he just rolled his eyes, prompting you to insist that you were serious. You leaned in to get a better look at the sketch.

"You really like it?" Arthur asked, you knew that he has always been a little insecure about his hobby. You assured him that you loved it before looking up at him, your faces ending up only inches apart, making his breath catch in his throat. He waited for a moment, thinking that you would pull away but you never did. He slowly closed his journal before closing the space between you both. The kiss was hesitant, testing the waters, before you both just melted into it.


It was during a camp party, actually it was towards the end of the party. Everyone was settling down and the music was getting quieter. You and Dutch had spent the whole evening together, talking and laughing, dancing and sharing only a couple of drinks. It was a fun night and as the party died down, you and Dutch ended up settling down in his tent. The two of you sitting together, like you usually did. Dutch had his arm casually wrapped around you to keep you close, thinking that you wouldn't notice or wouldn't think about it too much.

"I'm so tired, I can't even be bothered getting back to my tent" you laughed slightly, hearing the other members lazily walking through the camp to get to their bedrolls.

"Well, I'm not going to make you leave" Dutch assured you, looking down at you seriously. You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked up at him curiously. His free hand brushed your cheek, waiting for you to pull away but you never did. So, he kissed you and you instantly kissed him back. The kiss was soft and affectionate, slow and loving.


Your first kiss with Micah is more out of frustration than anything. You have both been spending a lot of time together and have been flirting a lot but he could never tell whether it was just playful or serious. You were both alone, maybe on a job, and both of you were flirting heavily, which wasn't uncommon for the two of you. Eventually, Micah snapped. You were laying it on really thick today and it was winding him up too much. Once you were somewhere secluded, he would push you up against the nearest wall and kisses you roughly.

Finally he pulls away from the kiss, leaving you breathless but smiling. "It's about time" you teased him.

"Shut up" Micah would mumble before kissing you again, either that or just walking away with a satisfied smirk on his face.


You and Charles had gone hunting, travelling further from the camp than usual, so you decided to set up a small camp somewhere. The two of you finishing setting up and were sitting in front of the campfire, eating and talking together before turning in for the night. After eating, the two of you just sat together, enjoying the peace and each other's company.

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