Sean MacGuire: The Cure for Shyness

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Sean MacGuire X Female Reader

Summary: Sean has a fool proof plan to help you overcome your shyness...kind of.

Word Count: 2100

You had always admired Sean's confidence, even if it some times got him into trouble. Yes, sometimes his confidence was misplaced and even went he messed up he claimed to be the most dangerous outlaw that you will ever come across. Still, you wished you had some of his confidence, maybe then you would be able to talk to him without blushing, maybe then you would be able to pursue him in the way that you wanted.

But, for now and the foreseeable future, you were a shy and blushing wreck, especially when Sean was around. You have been crushing on him for an almost embarrassing amount of time and, sure, he would flirt with you occasionally but you knew that he was only messing around. He thought it was funny that you were so easy to make blush and just liked to get a reaction out of you, he likes to joke around and you figured that his occasional flirtations were no exception.

"Y/n! There's my favourite girl!" Sean's loud voice brought you out of your thoughts abruptly.

"Oh, uh, hi Sean" you stumbled over your words, managing a smile as you greeted the energetic man.

"I got a job but Arthur's busy, you wanna come with me?" Sean asked.

"Me?" you asked, your eyes widening slightly.

"Well, I ain't talking to anyone else" Sean chuckled. "Please?" he pouted when he saw your hesitation.

"Yeah, yeah alright. Let me get my things" you nodded.

"Sure! Meet me by the horses" Sean smiled brightly before walking away.

You released a breath before heading to your tent to grab your things. You didn't have a problem with running a job with Sean, you were actually glad to be spending more time with him, at least you would be if you weren't such a fumbling mess. Once you grabbed your things, you met Sean by the horses.

"You ready to go?" Sean asked as he mounted his horse.

"Yeah" you gave him a small smile before mounting your own horse. "So...what's the job?" you asked as the two of you rode out of the camp.

"Found a homestead that needs robbin'. Dutch told me to take Arthur but what does he know? We'll make a great team!" Sean told you,, sounding as confident as ever.

"If you say so" you just nodded.

"I do say so! And I'm right, you'll see" Sean assured you.

The rest of the ride was filled with Sean talking your ear off but you didn't mind, you liked listening to him talk. Plus, the more he talked the less you had to.

It was long before you were approaching the homestead and you both dismounted your horses at a safe distance, making sure you stayed out of sight.

"How many people?" you asked as the two of you moved to the edge of the tree line, watching the small building.

"Only the one, the others headed out this afternoon" Sean told you.

"So, what's the plan?" you asked, assuming that he had a plan before riding out here.

"One of us be the distraction, the other sneaks in and takes whatever they can find" Sean shrugged, it being simple enough.

"You should be the distraction" you advised, knowing that you couldn't maintain a person's attention for long, being too shy and timid to even attempt it.

"A pretty face like yours would distract him for much longer" Sean tried to convince you but saw the look of apprehension on your face. "Alright, I'll be the distraction. I do have a way with words and you're quieter. You're probably right, this is the better plan" he nodded and you appreciated that he wasn't going to make you embarrass yourself.

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