The Van der Linde Gang: Protective

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The Van der Linde Gang X Modern Female Reader

Summary: you find yourself in 1899 and are taken in by the Van der Linde gang. Dutch and Hosea start to feel a little but too protective over you, it only getting worse when they start to notice the attention you get from other men in the camp. They don't understand how you can be so oblivious to it all.

Word Count: 2000

You groaned as your body collapsed to the floor, your knees and palms stinging slightly at they scraped against the rough ground. You coughed, waving one hand in front of your face, the dust  suffocating you. Once you could breath normally again, you lifted your head and opened your eyes, taking in the sight around you.

You appeared to on some sort of dusty dirt road that had expansive fields on either side, the sun beating down on you.

The sound of horses approaching caught your attention before you had any time to process where you were. You cursed to yourself, scrambling to the side of the road and looking each way down the road to see where the horses were coming from.

You saw three horses coming in your direction, making you nervous. You had no idea where you were or the type of people that rode through here. You climbed to your feet, ready to run if you had to...even if you knew that there was noway you could outrun a horse. As the horses got closer, they started to slow down, the three men looking down at you curiously.

And that was how you met the Van der Linde gang. Well, that's how you met Dutch, Hosea and Arthur, you met the others when they took you back to the camp.

It was certainly a strange first interaction, they thought that they were helping a lost and disorientated woman but they soon discovered that you weren't even sure what year it was. They had thought that you were insane and you didn't blame them, you would have thought the same thing.

It was Arthur that first commented on your attire. Your clothing wasn't completely bizarre but it was still strange to them, nothing that they had really seen before. Arthur had received a small amount of chastising from Dutch for that, telling him to be more polite but you didn't mind.

You had no idea why Dutch was so generous, offering you a place to stay, but you would forever be thankful for it. You knew that you wouldn't have gotten far without the gang stepping in.

Dutch had told you to ride back to the camp on the back of Arthur's horse. Arthur had given you a friendly smile as he reached down to help you up onto the back of his horse, chuckling when you had to suddenly tighten your hold on his waist as the horse started walking.

You had only been staying with them for two weeks when Dutch and Hosea pulled you aside to talk. They had been curious about you since they first saw you scrambling to the side of that dirt road but they only became more curious after knowing you for a couple of weeks. You were strange. You weren't completely alien to them but there were some differences that they couldn't stop thinking about. The way you dressed, talked, acted, it was like you were from a completely different place. Which was actually what they expected when they decided to question you properly. Sometimes you seemed down right clueless about things but then talked about things that they had absolutely no knowledge of, leaving the whole gang confused.

Hours. It took hours to explain everything to them and you shouldn't have been surprised. You were trying to explain that you were from the future, over one hundred years in the future. You were more surprised about them believing you at all. It took a long time but eventually Dutch and Hosea started to believe you, accepting that it would explain a lot about you.

That evening, Dutch and Hosea vowed to themselves that they would look out for you. They started to keep an eye on you, just to make sure that you were safe, keeping you close when you were out of the camp, even watching the way that other members of the gang were around you. It was fair to say that they had become a little overprotective of you. Maybe that was why they noticed how the men in the camp seemed to take an interest in you while you remained blissfully oblivious to it all.

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