Josiah Trelawny: The Gala

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Josiah Trelawny X Female Reader

Summary: You are the daughter of a famous Swiss singer, a member of high society, and yet you managed to become friends with Josiah Trelawny. There had always been something more than friendship between you both but neither of you had made a move, perhaps a night out at a Gala is what it will take to finally bring you both together.

Word Count: 2400

You finished getting dress, smoothing out the skirt of your dress, when there was a knock on your bedroom door. You quickly made your way over to the bedroom door and opened it, instantly being greeted by your smiling mother.

"Y/N, Mr Trelawny is here to see you" your mother told you with a knowing smile on her face. She had been telling you to marry this man practically since he first came around the house.

"Is he in the lounge?" you asked as casually as you could, trying your best to not let her see the excitement that was building within you. Josiah hadn't been around recently, having been running some jobs. You both exchanged letters when he was away but he hadn't told you that he was coming to visit.

"He is, don't worry I won't disturb you both" your mother assured you with a little laugh.

"Mother" you groaned, literally like a child embarrassed by their parent.

"Oh I'm only messing with you. You are going to ask him to the Gala though, aren't you?" she asked hopefully.

"I might" you shrugged. No matter how hard to tried to hide your feelings for Josiah from your mother or to act casual about him being around, she was able to see right through your act.

"Y/n, you're breaking my heart" she sighed, frowning at you. Was she really trying to guilt you into asking Josiah on a date?!

You just laughed and walked past your mother, hearing her laughing to herself as you walked down to the lounge. Once you reached the room, you stepped inside and let the door close behind you.

Josiah was standing with his back to you, looking out of the window, and he didn't seem to notice that anyone had walked into the room.

"Josiah!" you greeted him joyfully, truly happy to see him.

"Ah, Y/n!" Josiah smiled happily as he turned around to face you. "As beautiful as always" he complimented, holding his arms out as if to invite you into a hug.

"Oh, you charmer. I have missed your sweet words" you confessed as you walked up to him and hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He instantly returned your friendly embrace, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"How have you been?" Josiah asked, trying not to let his touch linger too long, trying not to bury his face in your hair.

"Rather well, I can't complain. How was 'the office'?" you asked as you pulled away from the hug, even if you didn't want too.

You knew about Josiah's occupation, the pair of you often referring to the Van der Linde gang and camp as 'the office', since it sounded more legitimate if somebody were to overhear you.

"Ah, not bad. About the same as usual. I can't really complain either" Josiah told you, even though he was never really one to complain anyway. You expected nothing different.

"Good, now I have a question to ask you" you told him.

"And what would that be?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you curiously.

"My mother and I have been invited to a gala, my mother was asked to perform. My invite has a plus one, would you like to accompany me, Mr Trelawny?" you asked, pretty confident that he would accept the invite.

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