You Call Them Dad/Mum for the First Time

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Request: You are about 13 and have been a member of the gang for a few years and you call them dad/mum for the first time.


Arthur's eyes widened at the word. Yes, the two of you clearly had a father-child dynamic but he never expected you to call him that. He saw that you had gotten embarrassed by accidentally calling him 'dad' so he just patted you on the shoulder, not sure what else to do or say. You didn't mean to say it again but you did, your face turning red again. Again Arthur patted your shoulder, this time smiling and saying something along the lines of "It's alright, kid". Ever since then, you started referring to him as 'dad' and he could only feel a sense of pride whenever you did so. You saw him as your father, that was incredible to him. He wouldn't have it any other way.


Dutch was the person who offered you the place in the gang in the first place, when you were young and lost. He had made sure you felt safe and at home, so yeah, he became a father figure. He proudly took on that role for you, as he had done in the past for Arthur and John, but you had been younger. Everyone come already see the father-child relationship you both had. When you accidentally called Dutch 'dad' for the first time, you were a little embarrassed but Dutch only smiled. He saw you as his child and he was more than happy that you saw him as a parent. When he didn't seem to react negatively, you relaxed. You let the name slip a few more times and it soon just became what you referred to him as, he would proudly call you his child.


Micah is more than surprised but quickly dismisses it and brushes it off. He doesn't really address it, he doesn't know how, but he instantly becomes a hundred times more protective of you. Everyone noticed the change, how he started treating you like his own child even more than he usually did, how he stopped correcting you when you referred to him as 'dad'. He had reluctantly taken you under his wing all those years ago, yes he had become your father figure, so why not accept the title as well as the responsibility?


Charles had been alone for so long that it was strange to join the gang, then you started hanging around him more. He developed a parent protectiveness over you pretty quickly, surprising himself. The two of you were close and practically did everything together. Of course it surprised him when you called him 'dad' for the first time by mistake but he managed to keep the conversation going as normal so that you didn't feel embarrassed. He actually felt honoured that you saw him as a father figure. When ever you referred to him as your father in some way, he would smile or place his hand on your shoulder to reassure you that it was alright and that he was comfortable with it until you became completely comfortable with it.


Javier was looking for a family and he found that within the camp but then you came along. There was no real reason that you both became so close, that a father-child relationship developed but he wasn't going to argue about it. He just feels proud when you call him 'dad' for the first time, even if it was an accident, it means a lot to him. He can't help but smile in pride whenever you call him 'dad' or refer to him as your father in some way. You are his child, blood or not, you both know that, the rest of the gang can see that.


Sean is beaming, he is so damn proud. You see him as a father figure? That's amazing! He sees you like you are his own child so he is so happy that you see him as a father, so he accepts the new title pretty quickly. He becomes ten times more protective and ten times more clingy. Yes, he is the clingy one. He definitely introduces you to people as his child, he's a proud dad. People try to tell him that it's a lot of responsibility to have you see him as a father figure but he brushes them off, he knows that and will definitely be more sensible when it comes to your well being.

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