Micah Bell: She's Mine Part 5

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Micah Bell & Daughter Reader

Summary: you get kidnapped by the O'Driscolls.

Word Count: 2900

Ever since you got hurt on that one job, Micah has had his eye on you. Now that you were healed, you were allowed to run jobs but only if Micah was on the job as well. It was annoying, feeling like your father was constantly hovering over your shoulder, but you did make a good team so it always ended up being for the best. So, you weren't too mad about it.

As the weeks went on and you continued to prove that you could look out for yourself, Micah started to ease up. He even let you go on a few jobs with Arthur, without him, but not without making a few threats to Arthur first, of course.

You almost found the whole thing a little ironic. You would have if you weren't so angry and, well...honestly, afraid. You had run jobs and been in dangerous situations without getting injured again, pulling everything off well. Micah was even starting to become more relaxed with you going on those jobs with out him. Yet, here you were.

All those jobs that could have gotten you killed and it was a harmless trip into town that would be your downfall. Dutch just wanted some supplies and everyone else was busy, so you offered to pick it up for him. That was a mistake apparently.

You had been walking past the saloon when some drunk young men came barging out of it, nearly colliding with you. You mumbled an annoyed "watch it" before continuing with the task at hand. You didn't realise who they were, but they recognised you apparently.

The four men whispered between themselves but you were too far away to hear them, plus you were minding your own damn business. Next thing you knew, you were being hauled onto the back of a horse like a deer carcass.

Of course you didn't go down without a fight, you punched and kicked and screamed and cursed. You managed to get a few hits in, you were pretty sure that you even bit one of them, but you were outnumbered, you didn't stand a chance. Especially after they tied your ankles together, your wrists behind your back, and shoved a gag into your mouth while telling you to shut up.

And that's how you ended up here, in an O'Driscoll camp. Your ankles were still tied together, your wrists tied and secure to a post to stop you from going anywhere, as if you would get far anyway. Thankfully, they had removed your gag though. You weren't stupid, you weren't going to start screaming, the chances were that nobody would hear you and you would definitely receive a beating for it.

"You're Bell's kid, right?" one of O'Driscolls asked as he walked up to you, a cocky smirk on his face.

"Ah, so you know who I am?" you asked, making sure your smirk matched his. Despite being able to hear your heartbeat in your ears, you could act like a Bell.

"As well as you know who I am" his smirk never faltered.

"I don't know who the fuck you are...other than Colm's bitch" you laughed in his face. Who the hell did he think he was? All he was was one of Colm's goons. The man pulled his arm back as you clamped your eyes shut, waiting for the punch you knew you were about to receive. But it never came.

"Hey, it's your turn to keep watch. I'll keep an eye on this one" another man interrupted, this one was older and even seemed tired of the younger man's impulsiveness. The first man huffed before nodding and walking away, maybe this guy was in charge or something?

the first man huffs before nodding and walking away

"So what's the plan?" you asked, looking up at him like you hadn't just been cowering away from a punch. "This a trap for the gang or something?" you asked, squinting at him curiously. What was the point of kidnapping you?

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