The kiss that changed a life...

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Can Divit was his own man. Confident in everything he did, a man who knew his worth. He answered to no one. Whatever he held in his heart was his, and his alone. He lived his life with a  conviction that he did not need anyone in his life, for he was strong enough to endure life's currents all by himself.

Those who knew Can, knew very little of him. The only sight of who he was that anyone ever saw was that of a son who loved his father. For his father meant everything to him. It was his father and him agains the world. And he guarded that part of his life with everything he had in his heart. The pain he felt when his mother left him behind when she took his brother Emre and chose a life without him still stang deep inside, but he learned to live with that pain. The childhood's sorrow he felt may have turned many men into bitterness of their actions. But not Can. Part for his father's love but also part for his own's belief in himself turned Can into a man who chose to make himself into a righteous man. He grew into a man with a heart in the right place, who valued family and loyalty above all other virtues...

As much as Can loved his father, he loved his freedom as well. Can Divit that was visible to the world was a famous photographer. Not as much a lense for hire, as much as it was for a passion for capturing the true essence of life. Can had learned from a very early age to look deeper, to seek the unseen, to discover the untold story often hidden within those he chose to capture on his film. His profession took him all around the world. He loved the secluded places, the hidden treasures of human nature that not many have seen. He loved to travel, for he loved to feel free and unattached. Whenever he was back in Istanbul, it felt good to be home, but at the same time the moment he set foot on his home soil, he felt the urge to leave again.

As much as he loved to leave, he knew his father Aziz Bey missed him whenever he left. There have been many events in his father's life that Can missed. With that thought in his mind, Can chose to make sure that his father would not miss his son when Aziz's agency, the renowned Fikri Harika, and celebrated its 40th anniversary. Can showed up, and against everything his heart desired he agreed to wear a tuxedo. And he could have sworn the fit of it made him even more uneasy than he already felt with all eyes being on him, for he would always be seen as the rugged elussive son. How could he have known that his tuxedo ensemble would play a key role in the life he would forever come to share with the most beautiful secret angel who stole his guarded heart.

The evening of the agency's 40th anniversary changed his life forever. Can came face to face with a woman whom he mistook for his significant other. He realized not so suddenly that his lips were brushing lips of someone other than whom he intended to kiss. It took him a while to realize so because he lost all sense of reality. He kissed women before, but never like this. Never before did his heart stop. Somehow it felt like his own heart was beginning to beat to a rhytm of a heart of his new perfect stranger. He never heard that heart's new melody before. His soul also surprised him beyond words. It yearned for his newfound mate's touch. All he could do now was to let his hands wander all over her back. The longer he kept his lips on her lips, the longer she seemed to long for him as well. Whomever she was, she had no idea she was taking over his senses without even a try. His heart felt no longer his, and Can's complete confusion intensified by dozens when he inhaled her scent. He was lost. For the first time in his life he felt like a man without a destination. Any sense of direction he may have known disappeared in that moment. He was lost, and yet so strangely confident that he found himself then and there. He couldn't explain it. All he knew was that he did not want this feelling to end...

That kiss changed his life, changed it forever. Nothing would ever be the same. He would never be the same. And even though the woman who stole his heart fled without revealing whom she was, he vowed deep in his heart that he would do everything in his power to find her. Find her and make her his own...

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