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Life is made up of neverending tests. Neverending trials and tribulations. Some easy ones, some much harder than others. But, as the saying goes, life is the hardest teacher of all, for it gives a test first, and then teaches a lesson...

What could be better than a Saturday early morning spent in the wilderness of the outdoors? Dawn's delicate and shy sun rays glistening on the waking grass and leaves... Chirping of early birds eagerly awaiting the day's adventures... The fresh and crisp air... Of course, the perception of such a morning depends on who You ask, for not all see it the same way...

Though not completely a morning person, Can was glad to be out in the outfoors. He felt free. He felt the energy that the woods offered simmer through his veins. Simply put, he felt alive. And it showed in his eyes. He welcomed the employees, greeted them, and got right to business. They were in the outdoor camp to have fun, but also to gather ideas for the Compass outdoor sports gear campaign. He looked at Sanem, who could not have been happier. Not only did she get to spend another morningwith Can, but Can announced that whomever would come up with the slogan for the campaign he or she would get to lead the campaign, and would also be offered a gift from the agency. She was so happy that she spoke to herself, quite involuntarily, about working with Can. To which Deren had a mouthful to say. And none of it good.

Can came up to Sanem. He offered help if she needed it, but advised her that he did expect a lot form her. He asked her to try the new gear, try new activities, and above all, not to be afraid to ask for his help. She replied happily she was eager to learn, and eager for what the day would bring, but she would surely stay away from asking for his help. Until... Gamze made an entrance, and made her and Deren practically fly over to her and Can, to make sure he would not be alone with Gamze for long. Can enjoyed Sanem's sudden attention. Until... Fabri made an entrance himself. In a perfectly Italian and bright kind of way. Sanem cheered up, and Can grinded his teeth.

As the day went, Sanem grew more jealous of Gamze and her relationship with Can. She would not call it envious, but simply, jealous. She could not stand that Can was not only friendly with Gamze, he was very protective of her when it came to Fabri as well. She did not know that Gamze was nothing more than a good friend to Can, and one who clearly figured out Can's dislike toward Fabri. The only thing was, Gamze could not figure out why. Meanwhile, knowing exactly what he was doing, Fabri came to Sanem's aid. He helped her and Ceycey and Ayhan with the tent. And helped himself by feeding Sanem with more thoughts of indecisiveness and insecurity. Worst of all, he admitted to Sanem that the state of friendship was the most dangerous of all. And most unpredictable. Because it left the heart and mind open to possibilities. All possibilities...

The time had come for the Compass sports gear to be tested out in the field. Employees who volunteered were equipped with the gear of their choice. Of course, to show her enthusiasm and eagerness to show Can she was just as good as Gamze, Sanem volunteered without a moment of hesitation. Not to point out her weakness, but simply out of concern, Can advised her to be careful and cautious. But she would not hear any of it. She went into the woods, and got lost in less than a heartbeat. What happened next changed lives forever. Changed hearts forever. The hearts that mattered...

Once everyone was back to the base camp, Can noticed Sanem was missing. And his gut knew better than to let go of the growing unsettling feeling that formed inside of him. He wasn't just worried. He was beginning to feel something he never felt before. For anyone. He advised the employess to spread out and search for Sanem. If they haven't found her within an hour, then they would have to contact the search and rescue services. So they spread out. He went alone. The more he searched, the more worried he grew. The further he went into the woods, the more angry he grew with Sanem but with himself as well. It was his idea to go camping. It was his idea to let her go alone. It hadn't donned on him to follow her. He swore to himself that if they EVER ended up in the woods again, he would NEVER let her out of his sight...

He shouted. He called out her name. He searched high and low. And then... He found a broken branch laying on the ground. He begged fate to let that be the sign that he was on the right track. He begged fate to show him he wasn't far from her. He begged fate to let him find her. He did. At the bottom of a pit. His blood froze and his throat ran dry. She was there. Laying motionless. Laying unconscious. Laying lifeless. And it was all his fault...

With last scaps of voice still left in his dry throat he called out for help shouting that he found her. Fabri came, and was just as affected to see her. No, that was not true. Fabri did not feel just as Can did. He couldn't have. Never. He could not ever feel the fear and trepidation Can was feeling. He could not ever feel the level of worry and panic Can was feeling. Nor the indescribable ice cold swear Can felt along his spine generated by his frantic race against time he felt upon him...

He gathered broken branches and stones into his jacket and threw it down into the pit. Damn, if all of his survival skills did nothing but prepared him for this one moment of his life. Their life. He got down to the pit. He spoke her name. Nothing. She still lay unconscious. She did not hear his voice nor the fear he felt for her life in it. He repeated her name again, and again, and again, and again. He caressed her face, her hair, her hand. He called upon the Amber Princess deep in his heart, he called upon the stars of Orion even deeper in his soul. She stirred, finally. She was a bit confused, and complained about her head. But she was alright. She was alright. She could not have understood what he felt just then. How he felt just then...

He gathered her up, as gently and delicately as he could. His arms wrapped around her. He needed to hold her close, if only for a moment. He calmed her down, trying desperately, and almost as unsuccessfully, to hide his own worry in his voice. He advised her he would get them out. He had to build a little ladder, but he would be right back by her side. Then, he kissed her. He couldn't help it. It was stronger than him. Friends or not. That meant nothing now. His heart ached within his chest for her safety and her wellbeing. And he needed her, as much as she needed him. If not more...

He finished the ladder. He went back to her. He spoke calmly, and advised her what they were going to do. And... He kissed her again. He would have embraced her, if the time wasn't as urgent as it was. He told her what to do. She climbed on his back. Held on tight. They both held on, and he climbed out. One step at a time. One branch at a time. One simultaneous breath at a time. They made it. Out and free. He sat her down on the ground. But she could not sit. She needed him. She needed his arms, his embrace, his heart beating next to hers.

He held her. Held onto her. Her life, her heart beating next to his, her breath on his neck, her arms wrapped around it... He needed her. He couldn't care less who saw them, or what they thought. He eased his embrace. And saw in her eyes what he already knew. Her eyes reflected him. All of him. And he was shattered. His heart was shatteted. His soul was shattered. His will was shattered as well. And he finally understood that the fear of trusting her again was nothing compared to the fear for her life. Because her life meant more to him than his own...

A LEAP OF THE EARLY BIRDWhere stories live. Discover now