Never say never...

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The best part about life is that it may be predictible. Likewise, the best part of it could also be that it is just as much NOT predictible. There is cause and effect, but there is also the aspect of a surprise and unforeseen consequences that may end up working in one's favor... It's just as simple as that....

Sanem sat in the conference room and took in all the happiness that came from being a part of the writers meeting again. It wasn't that long ago that she sat in her seat and felt despair and sorrow after parting ways with Can, and then parting ways with the agency. But now.. Now her heart felt a complete opposite to those feelings from the recent past. Now her thoughts were preoccupied with all matters concerning the upcoming campaign. She looked at Can and could see he was truly his father's son. He had a passion for this line of work. He had the knowledge. He had the drive. He also had Ceycey. Yes, Ceycey...

It was so inspiring for Sanem to see Ceycey stand shoulder to shoulder with Can and act as his wing man, as his second in command. Though Ceycey made little sense, she could see his total commitment to his work at Fikri Harika. He may have looked like a simple office boy to others, but she saw right through all of that. She saw his heart. And it was as pure as hearts could be. And he also made sure to show others that he too had ideas, albeit ones that made no sense. Whatsoever.

Can asked for ideas. Any and all that the employees could come up with. The time they had to prepare the presentation was running short, and the client was a well known outdoors sports gear vendor. They had to step up their game. They needed an idea for the campaign, and it needed to be good. With no good ideas being brought forth, Ceycey stepped up to the plate, and offered his own idea. Or rather, his take on what the idea should be like. Or rather, what it should not. Can could not believe it. He actually had to contain his amazement for what he was hearing. Deren was so unimpressed she actually did not bother to listen to him at all. But not Sanem. She paid attention to what Ceycey said. And the more attention she paid, the more entertained she became. Because what Ceycey was coming up with could not have been described by any other word than entertaining. Sanem was even happier now than at the beginning of the meeting. Not only from listening to Ceycey, but now from watching Can, who apparently seemed amuzed with Ceycey just as she was. Which also meant that he, too, was paying attention.

When Ceycey's epic monologue ended,  Can could only describe it as a disaster of an idea, but he was forced to admit that there were no other ideas that were forthcoming... Not even from Sanem. He asked her to pay more attention, not just to Ceycey, and asked if she had anything better to add. She thought briefly. And impressed her co-workers with a brilliant idea to showcase women in the role of an outdoor explorer. She also impressed Can, who couldn't help but to feel right in his gut to have brought her back to the agency. And he let everyone know that it was ideas like those that are a sign that the agency was heading in the right direction.

But as much as Sanem's idea was great, she also had to expand on it, and find a way to show it to the clients. But how? Can turned to her again and waited for an answer. She looked at him, and could not come up with one. So she replied with full honesty. She was not a sporty kind of a gal. Nor an outdoorsy one. As such, she would not know where to begin. She had no idea how fast her admission would get Can to think how to change that. But as quick as Can was to think of a way to inspire Sanem and her peers, Ceycey was quicker to say it. Thanks to Sanem's little admission, the agency would now prepare for the weekend camping adventure. Much to Deren's despair...

Soon after the meeting ended, Sanem was surprised to find Fabri back at the agency. As was Can. But Fabri explained that he did not come to interfere with agency's affairs, he'd come to speak with Sanem regarding work on her perfume. He asked if Sanem was available now. Can replied no, because she had too much work on her hands. Fabri understood. So he asked if Sanem was available over the weekend? Can again replied no. Fabri undetstood, quite literally. So this time he asked Sanem if she would be available this evening, after work. She did not get a chance to reply, because Can received a call from Gamze. Bambi Gamze. He was oblivious to realizing how his affection toward his longtime friend affected Sanem. He wanted to meet with Gamze in the evening? Fine. To spite Can she agreed to meet with Fabri. And watched the confusion and temper simmer in Can's eyes.

That temper was still there in his eyes when they were leaving work for the day. As luck would have it, or fate, they ended up in the same elevator again. Alone, again. With both of their tempers fuming, again. They were too stubborn, if not too blind, to see that it weren't their egos arguing. It were their hearts. Still vying for the other, and still just as jealous of the time they spent with others. So, not baring the circumstances, and not holding back on what needed to be done, fate did the best thing for those two...

Can dropped his stone. The light moonstone. If that wasn't a hint, fate would not know if it should have hit Sanem with it, so that they both would understand what that meant. But somehow they did, at least partially. They both went down to pick it up. They went to reach it, and when they looked up, they froze. Hand to hand. Their hands touched. A familiar yearning tingled just underneath their skin. Eye to eye. Their eyes met. They both saw all the way down to the depths of their souls, right through the other's eyes. Their cheeks met. Again, skin to skin. Can was loosing his grip on the other stone still in his hand. How could he not? There was still so much in her eyes left for him to see. There was still so much love for her in his heart that he could no longer deny it. And a thought ran through him like lightning. Should he deny it? Should he fight it? Or... Suddenly, the elevator door opened. The security guard was as surprised to find them alone in the elevator again, as he was to find them lowered to the ground and facing each other. The moment between Sanem and Can passed, but not from their hearts.

Though both had agreed to spend the evening with someone else, neither one of them felt capable to do so. Sanem was beside herself in deciding whether she should call Can or not. And her inner voice was of completely no help to her either. Or was it? The more it pushed against her better judgement, the more stubborn Sanem got. So much so that she ended up calling Can. To make certain that he would not suspect that she was home, she raised the volume of the music on her laptop. Can picked up, as jealous as she was of him. She just wasn't aware that he, too, was home. Because of the same reason she was.

They spoke. To an innocent bystander, their conversation would prove completely incoherent, and just as comical. Not only did Sanem pretend she was offered champagne by Fabri, but also that he was dancing with her. Which only brought out Can's inner spirit, and a jealous one at best. He, too, pretended that Gamze was enjoying herself at his home, massage included. And who knows where their conversation would have led, if it wasn't for Mevkibe and her voice of reason demanding for Sanem to lower the volume of the music and stop shouting. In her room... Can could not have felt better, and Sanem could not have felt worse. Until Can admitted that he wasn't completely honest with her either. He was home, but he was alone. And what started as one of the most misleading phone conversations they may have ever shared, ended with calming their hearts just as they both hoped.

As the evening came to an end, the camp excursion grew by two more: Gamze and Fabri. It would grow by one more. A very important one more. Sanem called Ayhan, because she needed to talk. A heart to heart deep conversation with her best friend always brightened her up. As it did this time. And since the agency allowed employees to bring a friend, Sanem suggested for Ayhan to come too. After all, Ceycey would be as happy to see her there as Sanem would. They agreed on the new plan, and mentioned that Ayhan still had a chance at love, with Ceycey. Sanem grew sad thinking about that deep in her heart. She was in love with Can. And he loved her once too. That light in her eyes did dim quite a bit when she realized that. Ayhan reminded her that it was never too late for love. For their kind of love. But Sanem replied that he would never love her again, not after she hurt him so much. Unbeknownst to them, fate only listened, and quietly whispered: NEVER SAY NEVER...

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