Facing the hidden truth...

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Can was exhausted. Days he spent on his photoshoots, even in remote places, did not seem to strain him the way being enclosed in 4 walls at the agency did. He wished for air, looked for ways to make quick trips out of the office in the name of the business, and wished for hours to pass as fast as minutes. Even the intriguing thoughts of Sanem did not seem to make the day pass fast enough..

Stepping back in his home felt refreshing. No one but himself to turn to. He loved solitude. It relaxed him and re-energized him. He could always concentrate better when he was alone. This skill that he learned and perfected from a very young age helped him to always strive for his personal best. Never be stagnant. And never be still, even when he was alone. Movement gave him strength the way resting never could. And that made him consider why he was so drawn to Sanem. She too was never still. Even when she sat down, the energy beaming from her created whirlwinds in the air. Even if she did not speak her actions spoke for her...

He thought of her again. Even when she was not near him she kept popping into his mind. And he could not figure out why. She was so much different from the women he knew. And maybe that was the key to it all? He never thought he would come accross a sincere woman. Others he knew were nice to him, some liked him for whom he was, but he always felt that pang at the back of his mind that women wanted something from him. Even Polen. He knew he would never fully commit to her since he felt no pull of passion for her. He preferred her company above others, but that would never be enough. Not for him. So the fact that Sanem did not want anything from him was a pleasing change of pace. She did not only not want anything from him, she seemed to want to avoid him. He always found it amusing that she seemed to fight a battle within herself when she was told by him or Emre to work with him. He could not put his finger on it, but it seemed that she was not only scared of his closeness, she was annoyed by it as well. And that was all too good of an added bonus for him not take advantage of every chance he could...

With Sanem still deep on his mind he stood in the hallway and froze. She was right there. In his home. Alone. Neither explanation that came to his mind offered enough soundness to put his suspicion to rest. How did she know where he lived? How did she get in? And what on earth was she doing there? Without a thought he crossed to her and turned her around. And he realized he made a mistake. He scared her, that was apparent. But she scared him just as much. What he saw in her eyes struck pins in his gut. How could being so close to her draw out so much desire? And then his mind went blank, his soul cried out from victorious recognition of the woman he kissed in darkness at the gala, and his heart burst out of his chest. Her scent overpowered him again. So it was Sanem he kissed? Sanem? All along? It all added up in perfect picture and the pieces fit together inexplicably... It all became so clear that she would be the one, the only one, he would come to call his own...

And then all of the pieces in his mind shatteted. It would take him a very long time to piece them back together. But he would give it all that he had, all that he was, to make sure she never left his side and his heart...

A LEAP OF THE EARLY BIRDWhere stories live. Discover now