The greatest leap of the heart...

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Some say that having courage matters. Some say that faith in oneself matters as well. Yet there is something to be said about the timing of all things in life. Looking up at the sky on a rainy night would not yield the same result as doing so on a cloudless moonlit one. Likewise trying to fly a kite on a windless day. But when all virtues of life come together in the most perfect harmony, even a love presumed to be hopeless holds the power to become the greatest love of all...

Sanem awoke with a new sense of purpose in her soul. Her heart yearned for Can's love, but there was only so much her heart could handle when being reminded over and over that they would never belong together. So she greeted the day with a hopeful smile on her face, and went to the photoshoot location with a hope to make the best of what the new day would bring her way. When she arrived, she was overcome with awe of everything that was going on. It was all so new and so inspiring to her. She was a new employee to the agency but she learned quickly. And she loved everything she was learning about. That knowledge filled her mind and imagination with so much inspiration. The set, the lights, the people. She loved it all. But most of all she loved the fact that Can was there too. He approached her. Surprised her, to be more exact. If her face did not show it, her heart felt him for sure.

He was surprised how calm she was. It was so unlike her, and he was intrigued. She replied that she had always been calm. Calm was her motto. Calm was her way of life. She wanted to believe her own words, though they both knew better. He walked away, but her heart did not let her look away from him. So she guided her eyes all the way to where he had walked. She went to Ceycey and could not have been more excited to learn more about the photoshoot. Who, what, when, and where. The excitement in her was building with every passing moment. But she could not believe how Ceycey's eyes changed when he saw Ayhan. Her newfound friend was in love, and there was no way to hide it to the eyes that knew him. She realized that in a short period of time Ceycey became so much more to her than just a co-worker. He became a friend. In a true sense of the word. And he was head over heals in love with Ayhan.

Considering the order of business of the day, Sanem did not know which way to turn. People were bustling all around her and were headed in all possible directions. Suddenly, a voice called out her name. It was Can's voice. She was asked to go sit in the chair reserved for the actor who would be the focal point of the commercial. She indicated she held no desire to do as he asked, but he simply reminded her who was the boss. She obliged him and sat in the chair. And he took full advantage of her lack of knowledge of the camera view. Up, down, left, or right. She sat in the chair and followed his instructions to a "T". He asked her to smile, and she offered him the biggest one she had. Until Ceycey enlightened her on her inexperience. She walked off steaming mad, only to witness Can's satisfaction and a wide happy smile.

The day seemed to be going well, until the moment Polen decided to visit the photoshoot. Though Sanem felt the pang of jealousy, she tried her best not to show it. Only to find Güliz and Ayhan praising how well of a match Polen was for Can. She could barely stand it. She was thankful that Osman came to her rescue. And she could not believe that Can became jealous himself over Osman, too. He walked toward them, having lost his appetite, and thanked Osman for a very well prepared feast. As a peace offering Can offered her his drink, and watched with puzzlement as she gulped up the organic beverage in one big gulp. They walked for a bit. And he asked her for some honest answers, for once in her life. He had no idea that his simple request would follow in a conversation that would change both of their lives.

He confirmed to her once and again that he did not reconcile any relations with Polen. They did not spend the night at the cottage. He would not have been able to even let her in there. Her reply gripped at his heart more than she would have ever suspected. She was relieved. And that said it all. She also replied that she did not spend any time with Levent. She had not even gotten into his car. She left in the taxi, and all alone. She had come to the cottage, but left when he wanted to be alone with Polen. Can realized at that moment that he had it all wrong. She left The cottage that evening not because she wanted to return to Levent, she left because Polen ordered her to. Regardless of whether Sanem confirmed it or not.  Furthermore, Sanem replies that Levent was no albatross. Nonewhatsoever. His smile in return made her soul shine right out of her eyes. Suddenly, they spoke softer. Smiled from their heart. Stepped closer toward each other as if the world around them did not exist. As if they were all alone. Her eyes looked into his with a newfound confidence of a woman in love. He gazed at her with the eyes of a man hoping not to be turned away...

As the evening concluded, she decided she needed to walk through the woods. To gather wildflowers. To be alone with her thoughts. She had not noticed that Can heard her plea to Muzo to let her take the walk by herself. She had not walked for more than five minutes when Can joined her. Or, to be more precise, scared her. He wanted to be near her but did not know how to say it. The fact that he was at a complete loss for words did not work in his favor. He came up with the excuse that he would keep her safe from the bees in the beehive not far from her. And had to agree with her response that she was safe and capable of taking care of herself. Moreover, she expressed her need to be alone. He had no other choice but to leave defeated. He walked away, not aware of the saddness in her eyes, and the void in her soul.

She thought he left. She walked toward the beach. The waves rang in the melody that calmed her raging heart. The birds up above made her wish she could soar above her loneliness and spread her wings. The gentle breeze hugged her skin and made her hair dance wild in the wind. She was sad, but her soul of a dreamer called upon her to take hold of who she was. So she WAS a dreamer. A lone soul hoping to fly. A wildflower full of flavor and one-of-a kind scent. Like a flower whose scent becomes more intense if it is picked in the morning rays of the rising sun. She thought of timing in nature. It was all intertwined with timing. For timing of life was everything. Maybe her time would come too? Maybe she too would find the right hands to hold her love forever? Maybe until that day came she would need to make peace with who she was as a person? A wildflower? She hoped with all of her heart that that day would come her way one day...

She had not known the way fate felt the moment she whispered those words to herself in her heart. Maybe she needed to make peace with herself in her heart to fully understand that she was able to be loved? To be cherished? To free herself of her fears? She took to the water, and let her fears and sorrows wash away in the warm summer waves. She looked to the sky and made a wish for one day to no longer be alone. To one day be held. To be loved. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. And almost felt her heart burst out of her chest when Can appeared right next to her. It was a daydream, she was sure of it. But her daydream of not long ago turned into the most beautiful reality. He was there. By her. With her. She rushed out of the water, but he reached out for her. He caught her, brought her close, and embraced her with all the courage he held in his own heart. The look on his face, the spark in his eyes, the hope in his smile. He held her close, he did not ease his grip. His heart sang a melody so loud that her heart heard it too. They were together, no more fear, no more pretending they did not matter to one another. They made the greatest leap of the heart. She felt like a woman, for the very first time in her life. She saw herself in his eyes. She saw Sanem, not "the other", not someone not worthy of his touch. She saw herself, and she knew that her heart would never be the same. Not with his arms wrapped around her. Not with his heart calling out her name...

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