The hidden meaning of yearning...

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True love holds within it the power to capture a heart forever. It also holds the power of freedom, as it enables a person to search for answers deep within them, to find for themself who they really are. But above all, it holds the power to make one realize that true love is worth fighting for, and is worth every effort ever made to never let it go...

Can could not figure out what it was about Sanem that drove him mad. He could not decide whether she drove him mad, or whether he did that himself because he could not get her out of his system. Moreover, he could not bring himself to admit whether he wanted her out of his system or not. She was just there. In his mind. In his heart. In the deepest parts of his soul. Constantly. Because once he let her in, she was there to stay. Forever, if not a day longer...

Sanem left his home. She came, but she left. Then she came back, but she left again. And she left him to wonder why on green earth would she come to him with an empty folder, and so adamant that its contents were too important to wait until the next morning. Then she left, visibly affected to find the file to be empty. She may have left, but her scent stayed behind, for him to breathe it in and yearn for her embrace. He missed her, and none of the day's minutes reminded him of that more than those lonely ones spent in his home. Alone. And just by himself. Being alone used to bring him comfort. Now it reminded him of the void he felt in his heart.

So he filled that void with books. More books than before. This evening was no different. But the book he picked up was different. It was different, because it bore his initial, "C.", written by the same hand that wrote the secret card hanging on the Wishing Tree. She had the same book, and she loved to read it as well. As a matter of fact, she picked up the very book at that same very moment, because she felt the same painful yearning in her own heart. And they read it, as much for their souls, as much for each other's heart. Though they read miles apart, and pages apart, the words they read synced in perfect harmony and somehow eased the pain of their loneliness...

"Do you know what I hear in Your Voice? Words You cannot say... Perhaps these are small fragments of phrases... But now, at this hour - it is something important..."

"I have loved You so much... You are just like that - all of You... Even the birds remind me of the pain that You've brought..."

"The shortest way from one heart to another is two hands outstretched towards each other, touching only with their fingertips... A moment with You is a whole fountain of infinity. It would be enough to love You just for that..."

"I saw a flower - somewhere over there... It bloomed, to correct the one mistake..."

"We ordered two light teas... And I just loved You if only for it..."

"I have nothing but this road before me... I wish I could love You for it..."

Simple words, but they meant so much to both of them. To Sanem, the dreamer, but more importantly, to Can, the realist. Because Sanem changed something in him. In his heart. She never asked him for anything. Well, not exactly. She asked him for two things. She asked him to forgive her, and asked him not to end their love. Reading the passages of the book, Can realized that Sanem asked him for the impossible. He never forgave, and he never thought he would have been capable of opening up to anyone so much that he would let love in to his own heart.

But she succeeded in opening up his heart, because she simply loved him. She did not demand, she did not pursue, she did not force it. She simply loved him for who he was - the real him, the true and honest him. The imperfect and flawed him. And that is why he missed her most of all. Because he learned to be himself with her, the way he never was with anyone ever before. And she made him understand the hidden meaning of yearning. And the longer he tried to deny it, the stronger his feelings grew for her, even with a distance longer than the span of his outstretched fingertips...

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