A trail of love...

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How could a heart in love ever explain what it felt? How could it explain why it felt it? How could it explain why it wouldn't ever stop feeling that once in a lifetime love? Sanem knew something had changed in her life. She knew someone walked in to her life and changed it forever. Can Divit captured her heart and soul. There was no going back. But she also understood there may not be a future for them either. And this hurt that heart of hers the most.

She felt so alive and filled with joy and hopes and dreams. And all of it revolved aroud Can. She felt so happy knowing she mattered to him, and that she made him happy. That is why finding out he had a beloved crushed her. She felt as if her happiness and dreams shattered into pieces.  Just as she never realized how beautiful and uplifting falling in love could be, she also never realized how painful loosing that feeling could be...

Seeing Can at the motivational camp made her do exactly how her heart felt. She lost her footing, and she fell. Fell hard. She was hurt, and her luck brought only Can by her side to see if she was alright. She heard his voice, laced with concert and worry. She looked up. And she saw two things. She saw a reflection of herself in his sunglasses, and his eyes looking at her through that reflection. To say that chills ran through her spine at that moment would have been an understatement. To say that she could loose herself and any sense of reality just by looking into his eyes was one too. It was as if the outside world froze around them when he looked at her. It was then that she heard Leyla's voice calling her back to reality, as it called out Osman's name. To  Can's astonishment, the man he met and thought of him well turned out to be Osman. And he was left speechless...

Knowing well that Osman was a righteous man, Sanem knew Osman couldn't lie. He was a true friend, but a man without an once of mischief in him. He would play the part of her fiancé, but to a very short extent. So she had to make sure he stayed by her side. And as far away from Can as possible. Which turned out to be impossible. To her horror, Osman chose to play a teammate to Can and Emre during a soccer match. What was worse, Can accepted him as such. But on his own terms. Sanem looked at Osman in disbelief. Until. Until she saw Can come right by her side. Oh, he was clever. With hidden undertones, he marked his spot. And that spot was her. Having the freedom to choose to put his glasses down anywhere around the field, he chose his spot perfectly. Right by her hand. And marked it, he did. To others it was innocent. To Sanem, it meant the world. To feel him without touching. That was his true hidden talent. The chills running down her spine returned to their place from just a short moment ago. Oh, he was clever, and only both of them understood why.

And only both of them understood the meaning behind the camp's next event. The objective was simple. To recognize a co-worker with eyes covered by a bandana. Sanem went up against Aylin. And the process of the game went smoothly, until the moment Sanem felt broad shoulders, then a beard, then a faintest pounding of a heartbeat. And any sense of reality was lost. What Sanem did not see was Can's reluctance to join in the game. But, employee motivational camp begged for employer's involvement as well. So he obliged Güliz, and by doing so he never realized how much this moment would bring him closer to Sanem.

Her fingers searched, so she guided them endlessly through the most enchanting maze her hands ever came accorss. She was gentle, delicate, and as determined to figure out who her opponent was, as fearful she had become because her heart realized who stood before her. Her fingertips glided everso lightly along the trail of love they yearned to explore. His neck, as she touched it right before touching his beard, was already burning with desire for her. His skin felt indescribably soft and rugged at the same time. His beard was the most perfect one she could ever imagine. His cheeks felt as if they were chiseled by the most skilled of sculptors. His eyes intrigued her, especially when she felt they closed under the longest and most delightfully captivating eyelashes. Feeling them flutter undeneath her fingertips made her feel as if the only thing she wanted to do was pull him in closer and never let go. But it was his lips that made the most impact on her. She never thought to look just at his lips. She dared not to. It was his eyes that captivated her. Yet now, she felt lost. If she ever could describe what desire would feel like, she felt it now. And it scared her. She only felt love before, but never desire. That new sensation filled her completely. If she felt chills going down her spine before, she wouldn't even know how to describe what she felt now.

She knew quite well whose face lay underneath her palms. It was as clear to her as it was to her heart. She was sure that everyone else heard her pounding heart, most of all, that he heard it. She denied any knowledge of whom her opponent was. Because of that, she lost the game. But she lost so much more. She lost herself in Can, and she made him loose a bit of his mind. So maybe, after all, she had not lost, but instead she had gained. Not only did she cause his face to etch itself forever deep in her heart due to her photographic memory, which was not just limited to her eyesight, as it extended to all of her senses. But she also gained Can's curiosity above all. He understood without any shred of doubt that she recognized him. He felt her heart beat faster and faster, and her fingertips froze and changed its rhytm. Oh, she knew it was him. But why was she scared to admit that her heart knew him by now?

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