Facing her faults...

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Sanem's life until the moment she stepped foot in Can Divit's home was based on good intentions, righteousness of her thoughts, and honesty in all that she did. She believed that everyone had a good side, and that seldom people chose to act against their better judgement...

So the moment she agreed to go to Can's home to retrieve Emre's file she knew she would receive a punishment. Not from her bosses, but from the laws of nature themselves. She knew that goodness returns, but so does failure to recognize good from the bad. And what she was about to do went against everything good that she stood for.

Worst of all, the guilt she felt surpassed her fear. Emre Bey tried his best to convince her that Can Bey, his own brother, was a bad man. This did not add up for Sanem. Not one bit. She herself had issues with her sister Leyla, that much was true, but she never ever would try to turn someone against Leyla. A blood bond was sacred to Sanem. And though she tried her best to figure out what it was in Can's actions that would make him bad, she could not come up with anything. The way he treated others with respect made it easy to treat him back with respect. Sure, he was too sure of himself. But that just added to his appeal. So when Sanem broke into Can's house she feared she was crossing a line that could not be crossed...

She did not know where to turn. Getting lost in that house was easy. Turns at every corner, added to the fear she held within, caused her to feel trapped in a labirynth with no end. Unbeknownst to her she came into Can's room. The books lined up all around the wall gave her chills of admiration for whomever this room belonged to. The cameras lined up along the wall in a similar fassion made her think that it was Aziz Bey's room and that he must have a fond admiration for Can's art of photography. And then her heart sank. The sound she heard brought the hard reality to her that she was not alone anymore. And worse, she still did not have the file Emre sent her to retrieve...

She did her best to make her way back to where she came in the house. Along the way she came accros Emre's red file. But just as she thought she was out of the woods and would get away with it all, she felt a strong grip on her arm, and the strength of the embrace in turning her around. And the moment she came face to face with the owner of the arm holfing her tight, she could have sworn she shattered into a million little pieces. Not only out of fear, but from the sheer intensity with which Can was looking at her.

Can asked her what she was doing at his house. The blank spaces of her mind all combined to work against her and decided to remain silent. She was completely enveloped in the expression of his gaze. She thought he was contemplating finding just the right words to accuse her of breaking in and using that to fire her. She had no idea about the storm she stirred in Can's heart and soul...

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