Her heart skipped a beat...

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Can Divit was her boss. Can Divit was beyond her status. Can Divit was out of her reach. If she wasn't sure of that, she was sure that the world around her would remind her of that. The only problem was, Sanem was beginning to feel something for him...

Her days, spent at the agency, were filled with Can Divit. If he did not request tea, then his brother requested that she should go somewhere with Can. If it wasn't the printshop, it was Agua. If it wasn't the agency, it was Can's home. Anywhere she turned, Can was just there. She was sure she wasn't the only one who noticed him. After all, Can Divit was Can Divit. Ruggedly stunning. Indescribably alluring. Well mannered. And definitely considered one of Turkey's most eligible bachelors, if not the most. But she did not see him that way. She was finding it hard to even see him as the Bad King. What she saw was a good man. With a kind and caring side, which for whatever reason he fought hard to keep hidden from people. She saw a strict employer, but also a fair one who cleared Leyla from being considered a spy. She saw a man with hidden layers. A man who took pride in what he accomplished, but that did not define him or his attitude toward others. She saw a man she was falling for.

That scared her. Not because she lied to him. Not because Emre would remind her where she belonged if he found out about her feelings for Can. She was scared because she dreamed. Of him and of them. And that, for a dreamer, was a very scary concept. Because if she dreamed, then she would hope. And if she hoped, then she would wish. And she knew all too well what her heart would do then... It would start to feel. And from then, there would be no going back. The fact was, her heart already felt...

She knew it. The moment he held her close to his heart when he saved her by the Bride Rock in Agua. She knew. Because she felt his heart beat next to hers. She felt her heart beat next to his. And they beat in the same rhytm. She knew. Because she saw the same sparks that she felt in her eyes fly right out of his eyes and deep into her soul. She knew. Because for the first time in her life she felt like a woman. In his arms. His arms. She knew, because her heart skipped a beat. For the first time. And the moment it did that, a thought shot through her soul that he would be the only one her heart would skip a beat for. And that scared her the most...

Until the moment Can asked her why she put strawberries in Arzu's smoothie and caused her to leave. She wasn't scared of her response. What scared her was the way he felt when she told him he was her boss. Only her boss. And nothing else. And that he had no right to either ask her for answers or to treat her that way. She felt so much for him, yet she pushes him away. Realizing that he felt something for her, she pushed him away. Seeing that he may actually see someone more in her than just his emoloyee, she pushed him away. And that made her feel undescribable pain in her heart. And fear that she may have lost more than she understood. She may have lost a chance with Can she did not even realize she had...

Seeing him the next morning only reassured her in knowing she hurt him. He looked away. Chose not to speak. But she felt his pain. Of rejection and of withdrawal. He would never admit it, he was not that kind of a man. But as strange as it may seem, she already knew him. She felt his pain he tried to hide deep inside. And he felt that too. He chose to distance himself from her as fast as he could. The only problem was, he couldn't....

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