His Sanem...

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What happens to a heart that falls in love? It begins to dream. It begins to wish. It begins to hope. Even a heart that gave up hope long ago. Even one that guarded itself against any and all emotions. Even one that deep down inside thought it was not worthy of that kind of love. Because a heart that falls in love can make even the most grounded man start looking up to the skies with hope for a better tomorrow, with his beloved right by his side.

Can stood at the doorway leading to the backyard lawn. Stood, and felt every cell in his body awaken at the sight of Sanem. His Sanem. He fell in love even though he guarded his heart. He fell in love even though he had not believed in love himself. He fell in love even though he believed that true love of the strongest and everlasting kind would never find its way to his life. Yet it did, in the most inexplicable way. He was so sure of himself and of the walls he built around his heart, he never realized that someone would be clever enough, bold enough, and pure enough to find a way past all of that. He traveled the world, and was sure that he knew every kind of a woman there was. He recognized every kind of woman's intention, every advance, every goal. But his confidence failed him. Because Sanem was different. She never went after him. She never asked for anything from him. They always felt a pull toward one another, but he could have sworn she tried to sway off her attraction toward him rather than act upon it.

But she had finally found the courage to come to him. As he had dreamed. As he had wished. He only hoped she came to him to tell him she loved him, and not that he did not matter to her - as he had seen it in his dream... Seeing Sanem sitting under the starry skies waiting for him, his heart raced within his chest. Trying to slow its pace was of no use. His heart knew his life was about to change. The anticipation of what was to come was more than unbearable. His skin tingled, his hands felt as if they would go mad if he did not rush to her to embrace her in that very moment. But his soul told him to pause. Pause and take it all in. One amazing heartbeat at a time. He took a deep breath, and let his path lead him straight to Sanem. Soon he stood by her side, looked down at her beautiful face, but he could have sworn he was looking up because of the indescribable light that shone out of her eyes. It was as if all the stars in the sky found their reflection in her breathtaking eyes.

He sat down across from her, and he could see she was as relieved to see him as he was to see her. He wondered if she waited for long. Her reply that she waited for around four hours sounded surreal. Because it felt that way. How ironic, he thought, that he spent the last hours with Deren yearning for Sanem and her presence, when she was just sitting at his house and patiently waiting for him. And here they were. Both excited. Both hopeful. And both just as scared. He gathered up courage and asked if she had something to say to him. He was as scared of that question as he was tired of it. But, this time she had something to tell him. Good or bad, she came to him that evening to reveal what really laid in her heart. She asked if he wanted to hear it. His gut twisted, because the dream he dreamed not long ago still burned fresh in his mind. He replied that he was not sure if he wanted to hear any of it.

She leaned in and embraced him. He could feel she trembled. He was uncertain if it was due to the evening's soft breeze or due to the emotions she held inside. He asked why she did not want to see him? She paused for what felt like eternity. And then, all of his heart mended its pieces. All of his heart felt whole for the first time in his life. Whole and at peace. The words she spoke reached into the deepest parts of his soul. She said that it was all because she loved him. The words he had hoped to hear from her sounded even more powerful than he imagined. She loved him. He asked why then she continued to run away from him? She replied again by saying that it was because she loved him. He was as confused as he was excited. Here was a woman that he would never be able to decipher. She was as alluring as she was mysterious. His heart trembled, but he had to ask her the next question. If she loved him, why then did she not want them to be together? She replied by saying that she loved him very much. Moreover, she loved him so much that she loved him more than she loved herself...

His heart grew with each word she spoke. It grew, and somehow he felt as if his heart found its way to Sanem's heart in an indescribable way. And he felt Sanem's heart beat in his. She leaned in. He closed his eyes before her lips touched his. The feel of her lips touching his exploded in him. He was a man confident in all that he did. He always felt in control. He always felt he was the one in charge of his life. But now... He felt her. Only her. His Sanem. But he felt he was hers now. Something happened in that kiss. In that moment. She was his now, he felt that with all of his heart. They released all their fears, all insecurities, all control that had held them back not that long ago. Because all that mattered was what they felt now, and from now on. She surrendered to him, and he gave in to his love for her...

They everso slowly pulled away from the kiss, but remained embracing one another. He fought hard to steady his heart. He could not explain what was happening to him. What she was doing to him. His heart awakened when he did not even know it was dormant. She made him feel alive. She made him feel whole. He tried to tell her how he felt, but how could that have been possible if he did not even know words to describe his emotions. But she felt the same. Her head was spinning and she told him that it seemed as if she would go mad from the rush of all the happiness she felt. They were so enchanted by the moment and their feelings that they had not realized when the sprinklers went off. They were dripping with water, yet all they felt was an indescribable heat of their skin. Sanem laughed when it dawned on her that they were covered with water. That did not matter to Can. He could have sat with her in his arms all night long if he was given the opportunity. But the fact was that the evening drew cold, and Sanem trembled more and more...

They stood up, and both could not believe how much they missed each other's embrace. Or how long they waited to release the fire that burned in their hearts. Can asked if they should fight that fire with fire. A kiss with a kiss. And she could not have agreed more. They were finally together. No longer alone together. They were together with each other. And it felt bigger than life. Because he was hers. And she was his. She was his Sanem...

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