A dream of a possible future...

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A foundation of who a person is begins in their heart. Depending on how strong that foundation is, a person can either succumb to life's storms, or brave them out and come out a victor. And it is up to a person to choose to build that foundation and choose what it would be made out of...

Sanem was an early bird. But more importantly a home bird. In every sense of that word. Her life began with home, and it ended with home. She received an upbringing like many others in her community, but always considered herself the luckiest person on earth for having Mevkibe and Nihat as her parents. Even if they were set in their ways. Even if they were old fashioned. Even if they were too preoccupied with their daughters' upbringing to let them have fun once in a while. Because that was exactly who they were. Though they were strict, they would bend over backwards to make sure no harm would ever come their daughters' way.

As much as Sanem wished for more lenient patents, she respected their ways and made sure they saw it that way. That is why she feared to let them know about her and Can's relationship. She was reluctant about making them aware of their love. Because it would mean a marriage Can would be forced into. Or worse yet, he would be forced to part ways with her. Neither of which she was ready for or was willing to accept at this time. She planned to keep Can far away from them. Because she knew they would begin to suspect something. And because she knew she would not be able to keep herself from acting upon her growing feelings for him.

Of course, to make things more interesting, and more complicated for sure, Can accepted Nihat's invitation for dinner. Not just any dinner. For Sanem's parents' 30 Years Anniversary dinner. For a dinner meant for family. If anything else, Sanem realized they were in for an interesting evening. And she was not mistaken...

The evening began with Leyla and Sanem gifting their parents with gifts of cufflings for Nihat and a phone for Mevkibe. Though they weren't simple things, both parents appreciated them all the more because they were given with love. Mevkibe and Nihat were also grateful for the years they spent together in the 30 years that had past, for the hardships they overcame, and for the two daughters fate had bestowed upon them. Sanem saw it all in their eyes. They loved each other and appreciated each other. And she realized they had come to appreciate Can as well. If they had not, they would not have invited him for dinner that day...

Can showed on time, as he always would. She was impressed that he dressed up, aware of the occassion. She could tell he was impressed with how she dressed up as well. And she was not the only one who was happy to see him. Nihat and Mevkibe were glad he had come. Even Leyla seemed happy to see him. She was aware of Sanem's growing affection for Can. Now she realized that Can may have truly been taken with Sanem as well. It certainly seemed that way. Even if their parents were oblivious to Can's secret glances and seemingly innocent brushes of hands, Leyla knew exactly what was going on. The most important thing was that they shared the evening with loved ones, and that they celebrated Mevkibe's and Nihat's love.

As the evening went, Can could barely keep his love for Sanem to himself, and hidden from her parents. He was grateful to her parents for letting him join them. He grew up not being accustomed to family dinners. To see Sanem in her home, and her home setting, gave him a glimpse of who the Aydins were as a family. And he appreciated them all the more for treating him as one of their own. Even if he was unable to make them aware of his love for Sanem. Even if he was unable to let them know how much she meant to him. But he was able to enjoy their time together. As one family. If only for one evening. And he was thankful to his fate for gifting that night to him. And for letting him hold Sanem's hand in his, albeit under the table, right in the company of her parents.

But one thing they were not prepared for. And that was Nihat's lesson on poetry. As short and unprecedented as it may have been, it came straight from his heart. After all, his love for Mevkibe was instilled in her name. She was his angel, she was the soul of his home, and she was his wife. Everyone was impressed with Nihat's words, especially Can, who pointed out that Sanem clearly inherited her poetic soul and writing skills from Nihat.

From the looks of it, the evening could not have turned out better. For a moment in time Sanem enjoyed a glimpse into a dream of a possible future. For a moment in time Can sat by their table and was one of their own. For a moment in time. Because it all changed when Can went to his car to retrieve his gift for Mevkibe. Because it all changed when Muzzo entered Aydin's home and changed the course of that night...

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