Ahh, Sanem, ahh...

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Sanem believed in first impressions. That very first feeling she sensed upon meeting someone new. She often based her future relations on the way someone made her feel when she met them. Good or bad, she trusted her feelings. As a result, first encounters mattered to her a great deal. In a similar sense, she always tried her best to make a good and lasting first impression herself...

Her first day of work at the Fikri Harika agency did not go as well as she hoped for. She almost made the worst first impression and an enemy of the woman whom she had the interview with. On the other hand she made almost no impression whatsoever on Deren. But she was thankful for finding a friend in CeyCey. And she was thankful for making a good impression on Aziz Bey and Emre Bey. At least she hoped so. Leyla made her aware that it was not everyday that a regular employee, let alone a new one, got to be personally invited to a gala party by Aziz Bey himself. And that made Sanem feel special. It was then that she decided that Aziz Bey was a kind and wonderful man, and a very charizmatic employer as well...

Having met almost the entire staff at the agency, one man seemed to be as elusive as his reputation would make it appear so. Sanem heard stories of the infamous Can Divit, and she was becoming more and more curious about the man. Who was he really? What hid behind his actions to appear in the agency out of the blue and then dissapear just as misteriously? Was he the good saviour who would save the agency in Aziz Bey's absence and capture the spy who betrayed the agency from within? Or was the the bad king? The Kötü Kral himself? This Sanem was unable to figure out just yet, because it seemed that the man avoided her. Or so she thought....

In a pure Sanem way, Sanem felt no reserve whatsoever in attempting to describe Can Bey to Guliz and CeyCey. Little did she know that the man himself stood right behind her. Mere inches away. An arm's length at best. Her words fell upon his ears and amuzed him as much as they left him puzzled. And to his surprise, Sanem continued to delve deeper and deeper into her description of him even though she never met him...

As first impressions go, both first impressions between Sanem and Can paralleled each other. Both at the opera and now at the office. In both instances they never saw each other's faces. When they kissed, that first impression was enough to last a lifetime. And now with Sanem's epic monologue, she made an impression on him even before he saw her face. Her honesty in what she believed and rawness of her words impressed him. And he too, made an impression on her. Rather, his reputation did - fueled by Guliz's description of him. Until...

The moment it became apparent she may have embarrased herself beyond any other prior limits she crossed, Sanem's heart sank. But not because of her words that left her mouth without censor. Her heart sank and her soul forgot to breathe the moment she turned and lost herself in the eyes of her opponent. She wondered how on earth was it possible for a man to be so beautiful? Handsome, yes, with every cell in his body. But also beautiful. His eyes were as deep as the ocean. She had never seen more enchanting and mesmerizing color of the deepest and spellbinding brown eyes. She had no problem whatsoever in loosing herself in them. Once her senses returned her back to reality, all she could concentrate on was his deep voice. He spoke kindly and with as much amuzement as curiousity. He asked for her name. She smiled, almost thankful for his question as that was the only thing she remembered at this moment. All else was gone from her mind. She repeated her name, for when his lips spoke out her name in that mellodious voice of his, she forgot she said it before. So she said her name three times, each time uncertain if she really did say it before. He smiled, to her and at her, and she knew that this smile of his, along with his beautiful eyes, would return to her again and again thanks to her photographic memory. And she was beyond thankful for that...

As Can smiled and turned slowly to walk toward his father's office, Sanem realized her first impression of Can Bey was that of a misterious man. Elusive. Calm. And not at all a bad man. It was that feeling she felt deep inside that set forth the basis of her feelings for him. Because even if she was unaware of her feelings for him, her heart and soul already knew they belonged to Can. She only hoped that the first impression she made on him was not as bad as it may have appeared so...

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