Obsessed and confused...

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Would one argue that love is blinding? Would one argue that love makes one do things that defy logic or any sense of reasoning? Most certainly in many cases. But seldom cases prove as complex in misunderstanding as that of Muzaffer Kaya, quite effecively called Zebercet...

Enzo Fabri was an accomplished businessman. World renowned and successful in every which way. He possessed the Italian kind of swag and charisma that made him the talk of the town, wherever he went. There wasn't anything he could not excell in, and nothing that he could not achieve once he set his sight on it. And as of recently, his sight was dead set on Sanem Aydin. But she proved harder to get than he could ever imagine. He not only had to deal with Can Divit and his over-and-above protective grasp around Sanem, but he found himself in the middle of the most bizzare situation of his life....

Can decided he had enough excitement for the day. He dealt with Sanem. He dealt with Emre. And he dealt with Fabri more than he cared to. He needed his peace, and he needed his own space. He left the agency, but no sooner than he made a turn around the corner of the agency, he came face to face with Fabri, again. He was standing outside of the agency with Deren and Sanem. But something felt odd. Deren rushed to his car as soon as she spotted him. She advised him that apparently Zebercet kidnapped Fabri's driver and demanded that Fabri bring Sanem to him in exchange for Sanem. Can did not understand her at first. Once he did, he didn't know whether to laugh or be mad at Muzzo.

There was no other way out of it. Can piled everyone in the car, and they drove to Sanem's neighborhood where Muzo was holding Fabri's driver. Can thought he was annoyed with Fabri before. But now his annoyance grew with every minute that passed. Can knew Fabri was aware of the fact that he broke off his engagement to Sanem. And Fabri made sure to overemphasize this little detail any way possible. When Fabri asked if Zeberced was obsessed with Sanem, he made sure to add a comment that men in general seem to be obsessed with her. That little comment did not sit well with Can.

When they arrived at the location, Sanem went inside first, but Can didn't want to spend any more time with Fabri than he had to. He followed Sanem. He approached Muzzo, and told him to go outside and beg Fabri's forgiveness. Sanem untied the driver and apologized for what had happened. The driver left, understandably upset. She turned to leave as well, but Can caught her arm. She turned back around so that they faced each other. A surge of love and longing rushed through them. Sanem, unable to speak, held her breath. He was so close to her again. Close to her heart. She felt his heart beat with the same rhythm. Her own heart recognized his, and she felt that familiar pang.

He, too, froze the moment his hand lay on her arm, and she turned to face him. Eye to eye, breath to breath, heart to heart. He fought an urge to kiss her. Just kiss her. Just once. If only just once again. His eyes travelled to her lips, because his lips could not. His lips still yearned for the touch of hers. Because he still remembered them. And then he noticed... she lowered her own eyes to his lips. He hadn't realized how much he missed her until now. If only things turned out differently... If only she never hurt him...

He asked Sanem which scent did she give to Fabri? She looked into his eyes and replied it did not concern him. She did not take two steps when he caught up with her. He stood between her and the door. He looked into her eyes. If he weren's so blinded by his temper he would have seen the love that still lit in her eyes. She loved him, with the love that did not diminish in strength. But she realized that looking into his eyes hurt her, because he was no longer seeing her for who she was. He was looking at her through the prism of the version of who he thought she was. He only wanted to see her as a fragile innocent woman she was still deep inside. But she was so much more. And she had to be stronger than that. For her sake as much as his own.

He asked again which scent did she give to Fabri? Was it her scent? Was it her own scent? She looked up at him, right into his eyes. Fear could no longer control her. It could no longer hold her back, because Can deserved to know the entire truth about Emre. So she told Can that she would tell him which scent she agreed to give to Fabri, but he would have to let her tell him something else first. His ego and his feelings were too hurt to let her speak. He told her he would not listed because she already had her turn. He hadn't realized how much these few words hurt her. They also made her spine harder as well. He did not want to listen? So be it. She would have nothing else to tell him.

As Sanem walked away from him, he realized how true Fabri's words really were. He wasn't just in love with Sanem. Not just still in love with her. He was as obsessed and confused as humanly possible. And he wasn't sure whether he wanted to get over it, or make every effort for it to continue...

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