The Bad King turned into a Knight of her heart...

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Sanem lived her life according to her heart. It was her heart that guided her it the hardest and difficult times. And the most important ones. Whatever the consequences would come later, what mattered to her was what her heart was telling her to do, and to feel. And it was telling her that Can Divit was a man of a good heart, kind soul, and a man who captured her heart...

The more Sanem got to know Can, the more she was beginning to like him. She wasn't sure why she saw in him what others did not. And she realized that there were two reasons for that. Either people saw in him what they wanted to see in order to gain something from him, or he let her in so much closer so that she could see the real him because she never wanted anything from him. Whatever the case, she felt closer to him. Not only at work. Outside of work too. And that was a path she had never taken before. Knowing so, she understood she needed to be careful with her heart. Even though it was telling her it may already belong to Can...

That morning began in the most magnificent way. Chirping of birds. A breeze so fresh that it all but carressed her senses into waking up. And the most beautiful deepest brown eyes looking right at her. She had to admit that any morning with Can's face greeting her as the first thing she saw would always be her favorite part of the day. Seeing his smile made her believe she was still dreaming. The fact that he offered her tea convinced her she really was dreaming. And that dream included none other than Can Divit himself. And then it hit her. That was no dream. Can, along with his mesmerizing eyes and bright and sparkly smile, was really there. And so was she. In his hut. In his shirt. And, it was MORNING... If her heart hadn't stopped when she saw Can's eyes looking into hers, the realization that she spent the night in his hut did. That would never sit well with her mom...

She did not know what got to her more. Her fear of her mother, or Can's smug smile. So she paused. Images came flooding to her like a hazy mirage. The food, the wine, the song, her calling him the Bad King, the dance, his strong arms, his beating heart, and feeling like she floaded on air. She asked him if it really were true or just her dream. His nod and a smirk were all the answers she needed. What she needed from him. She still needed answers from herself. Because the truth was she did not reveal all her questions to him. Not about what she felt.

She thought it was just a dream. The last thing she remembered was the mention of bebishko, and Can's honest laugh. And the next thing she remembered was what the next morning brought. His face, his smile, his presence most of all.  Yet it was what she felt inside that morning that made her question everything. She felt safe. She felt a sense of longing for him, even though he was right next to her. And she felt something so different she could not describe it. She felt cherished. That feeling alone was more powerful than anything she was told to feel or think about Can. Now that he confirmed that all that happened the evening before really did take place, she was faced with the reality that those feelings that remained in her when she awoke did exist. They were no mirage. No dream. She had not imagined them. Imaginary images and feelings fade, but what she felt stayed with her. As vivid in her heart as it was deep in her soul. She just could not believe she would now need to keep those feelings to only herself. Because she knew a future with him could never happen. And yet...

He cared for her. Even if someone told her she was foolish to think so, her heart begged her not to give up on that hope. That inkling of light, that speck of happiness. And Can added to that light of happiness the moment he mentioned how beautiful she looked in the dress. Her cheeks hurned bright red, even if they were masked by the colour of her dress. She thanked him and replied that she was fortunate because there had been only one dress in the trailer waiting for her. To her heart's content, he replied he knew. After all, he was the one who chose it and gave her meausrements to the person who prepared the dress for her. In that single moment, that split second of time. She realized. She knew. She finally listened to what her heart screamed out to tell her. She fell for him. And she wasn't indifferent to him either. She fell, and there was no turning back. Not that she would ever be able to see the road without him in it...

They drove back to her house. And yet again Can showed her he cared. She did not believe she was ever eacorted out of a car. And he did so with so much care and attention that she all but melted into his waiting hand. He told her he would see her at the agency. She hoped for that so much. And when she looked back, his smile and his waving hand would stay in her memory as the most wonderful ending to the most magical day she had ever lived. All thanks to Can.

Yet as reality knew how to knock on her head, she was not too surprised to see Leyla waiting for her. What also surprised her was that Leyla really cared. Not only about what happened, but also what could happen between her and Can. She denied all of it. Any feeling or even the possibility of dreaming about it. And though Leyla's words about Can hurt het, her heart knew it wouldn't listed. Because he was a good man. A kind man. He was no Bad King. The Bad King had turned out to be a knight of her heart. Because he cherished her. Because he let her in. And because she let him in too...

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