First impression on the heart...

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Can was amused. And impressed. It wasn't every day that he was presented with a description of him with such vivid use of words. And let alone from someone he never even met... The morning of his first first day on the job at the agency made him wonder what he was getting himself into. And the first encounter of that day turned out to be exactly what he needed to jump start his day on a good note...

Before him, without her knowledge, was a spirited woman who seemed to have her way with words. Her description of him was not only colorful but also full of passion. She did not just appear tell Guliz and CeyCey what she thought of Can, she appeared to feel what she said. And that amused him. He always preferred people who were up front and honest to the bone. He gestured at Guliz and CeyCey to let her speak. And that is just what she did. She painted him as a selfish employer with a capricious way of treating his personal life and the lifes of his employees. And that he did not care for the agency and came and went as he pleased without consideration for his actions. As much as her words entertained him, they also made him wonder. And they affected him in a way that was hard for him to describe. Was he really that way when it came to the agency? This, he realized, he would need to remember for the future if he wanted to make sure his days at the agency were to be put to good use.

The moment she realized she just described him while he stood behind her, Can decided to step forward and meet his newfound office companion. And the moment he did he was at a loss for words. Where she was a chatterbox a minute ago, he lost all sense of any audible vocabulary known to him. In any language in his mind...

Staring at him were the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen. The honesty in them far surpasses the honesty he felt when he heard her speak. The innocence and passion that shone out through her eyes took him aback. How was it possible for someone to be so open and display so much passion and rawness even to a person she just met? Can was a man who had a keen eye for details. His work as a photographer depended on it. And he realized that her eyes were as beautiful as the deepest of forests he ever saw. And they were filled with as much passion as mystery, for he never met a woman so open and with a soul shining right at him. If he had to rescribe her in one word it would be 'enigma'. And that was enough to get him hooked, for he seldom met someone he could not figure out...

And he just could not figure out what it was about his mysterious new companion that left such a big impression on him. Deep inside he quietly realized that she made an impression on his heart. And that was beyond his comprehension. He could not put into words what that meant to him. He never took it lightly how people made him feel. First impressions mattered to him a great deal. For a man who came and went from one place to another, that first encounter was a sacred ground. A moment where he realized if a person was good or bad, if a situation or location he found himself in was safe or not. Such as it was, the impression he felf when he met Sanem left him baffled. He realized she was honest. And that meant a lot to him. She was pure and innocent. And that mattered just as much. And though she was not his type whatsoever when it came to looks, he could not help it but to look at her as a man would look at a woman. And that, above all, left him curious.

And as the reality of the situation slowly came back to him, with his eyes still fixed on her beautiful face, he asked for her name. Sanem. The melody of that word floated right into his soul. And for the second time it made him wonder. The woman looking at him had no problem whatsoever breaking right through his walls. And without any notion of what she was doing on her part...

With that thought, he gathered strength to move again. And as he walked away a new thought came to him. Perhaps his time in the coming months would not prove dull after all? Perhaps he would come to enjoy his time there. And maybe, just maybe, he could come to enjoy figuring out his newfound companion, and figure out why she left such an impression on him...

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