Between the brothers...

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A bond between brothers has its strengths and weaknesses. It offers support in greatest times of need, but it can also weaken happiness if that bond is not based on the grounds of love. Worse yet, if one brother's trust is exploited by the other one's greed. That blind trust may hold in itself the promise of changing of the greedy one's heart, but not before the greed in his heart is conquered by love. And the heart of Emre Divit had a long way to go before love defeated the darkness it grew accustomed to...

Can returned home with a light heart. He felt amazing. He felt larger than life. He was fully aware of the fact that he opened his heart to Sanem. He opened it in a way he would not have thought possible just a few months ago. But a few months ago he did not know Sanem. And now he did. She brought so much chaos and light into his life, and he could not have been more pleased. Nothing felt balanced with her. But that was the beauty of it, wasn't it? Her unpredictability. Her spontaneity. She had the energy in herself that he had never come across before. She walked as if she carried storms around her and within her. She was never calm, and never plain. She painted the world with her own colors, and dared to believe life was just the way it was to her. And he loved her for it. She dared to be different. Because she was different. She was a breath of fresh air among the stale reality. And through all of that she still remained pure and kind, and never boasted about her uniqueness, nor did she ever bring others down. On the contrary, Can had come to realize that Sanem would rather consider loosing a battle than fight against someone if it meant hurting their feelings.

Seeing Emre out in the garden, Can wasted no time in joining his brother. He knew his brother wanted to talk about what happened the evening he left Polen's party. And he was ready to talk. He felt he was finally ready to admit to Emre what laid in his heart. And he was sure his brother would be happy for him. He grew close to Emre and he valued his opinion. He approached Emre with a smile he was unable to hide. Nor did he feel like doing so. It must have shown because Emre called him a Superman. He laughed, and repeated the word, but asked Emre why he thought so. Emre only nodded and replied what else could it be? The night before Can donned on the tuxedo he wore at the anniversary gala, and left without a word. Did he go someplace secret? Did he go off saving the world?

Can laughed and enjoyed himself, and their conversation. He did not go off saving the world. No, quite the opposite. He felt as if his own world was saved. All because he fell in love. He could see Emre's astonishment. Emre asked about Polen. Can had to admit he hadn't thought of her since he came back from the opera and saw her note letting him know she left. Good for her. Good for both of them. He knew that Polen would never ever stand a chance next to Sanem. Sanem. She was the one who captured his imagination and captured his heart. Without any further delay Can revealed his beloved's name to Emre. Sanem. Their Sanem. And watched as shock painted itself on Emre's face. What he mistook for shock of learning the identity of his beloved, was so much more to Emre. It was a shock of learning who Can's beloved was, but it was overpowered by Emre's immediate fear of being caught. Because what little he knew of Sanem, he knew she was righteous and had a pure heart.

Still, Emre saw that his brother's feelings could not have been denied. But he asked why. Why Sanem? What was so special about her to Can? The response only reaffirmed him in his fear. Can wasn't just taken with Sanem, he wasn't just interested or intrigued, he really was in love. The way Can spoke about Sanem made Emre see her in a new light. Can went on and on about what if felt to be on love with her. How it felt to feel in love. And he struck two wounds with Emre, neither of which he was aware. First, he did not know how inconvenient his feelings for Sanem would prove to Emre. But more importantly, Emre saw what feeling really and truly in love could feel like. He had feelings for Aylin, but he realized in that moment that his own feelings for Aylin would never measure up to what Can apparently was feeling for Sanem. And again he felt inferior to Can. Again, defeated in his own eyes.

So he changed the approach. If he could not diminish Sanem's role in Can's eyes, maybe he could put doubt in Can's mind about Can himself and his treatment of Sanem. After all, Can had a habbit of leaving his life behind. And Sanem may have been his beloved, but she was still as inexperienced as she was pure and innocent. Can would love her, but he would leave her. And that would leave her upset. Even though Emre shared a dark secret of his actions against Can with Sanem, he grew to like her on a deeper level. Not only because she was Leyla's sister. But because Sanem was a good person. He saw the light in her he was not capable of himself. If only they both hadn't made the mistakes they had done. But they did, and this would haunt him forever...

Emre told Can that he would upset Sanem the day he would leave. Can denied any intent of ever leaving Sanem. He never would have imagined such a day, nor a reason why he would leave her. And Emre's assumption bruised his ego and his feelings. He was not a man to take feelings nor people lightly, nor take them for granted. Can advised Emre to relax, and pour himself a drink. Emre replied that the drink Can held in his hand was actualy his very on. Can laughed again and told Emre to get another drink for himself. Emre left for the kitchen, but could not help to feel fear and uncertainty of what tomorrow would bring. They were brothers, and that bond between the brothers may have been able to stand a chance once Can would learn the truth. But with Sanem? Emre felt the urgency of needing to speak with her. To warn her, to make her understand she had no future with Can. And even if it would, he would see to it that she would think otherwise. He needed to talk to her, the sooner the better. Little did he know that accross the city, Sanem thougt the exact same thing. They needed to talk. And the time for it was now...

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