The hero of her heart...

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The most pivotal part of every story is the subject of it. It sets the tone, it sets the mood, and if chosen correctly it keeps the reader invested in the story until the end...

Sanem was a young woman with a heart of a dreamer and a soul of a poet. She had two dreams, two goals she set for herself. And both of these goals were dependent of each other. She told herself that in order to reach her Galapagos she needed to write a story enchanting enough to make the reader want to reach for that story. And, likewise, in order to come up with the best possible story her pen could write on paper she knew she needed to set a goal so high for herself that she would so anything and everything in her power to achieve it. And that was what Galapagos meant to her...

The moment she fell under the spell of the mysterious stranger who kissed away any sense of her reality, her heart and soul knew her story would revolve around him. He would become the matter of the story, and the heart of it. For he became the silent hero of her heart. How would she describe him in her own poetic words? How could she, if she hadn't the slightest idea who he was? Or even how he looked? As she pulled out a notebook to pen down her thoughts, she felt as if the words she needed to describe him began to flow from her heart. And so her first story began...

What kind of love had the most impact on a heart? The one that never left, the kind that never ended? The one that encompassed the heart so wholeheartedly that the emotions it created never let that heart to forget it? Sanem smiled, and understood... The best kind of love was one that started in the heart. That was felt first, and then realized afterwards. It was the kind of love that one felt for someone they had not seen. The kind of love that one felt for a soulmate they had not grasped. As a result, one fell in love through all other senses. The touch, the smell, the sound. Sanem fell for the albatross through her sense of touch. His touch. That was what she remembered. His delicate yet demanding lips. His strong yet caring hands. His most handsome beard which hid away the masculine contour of his face. And the fact that he was tall and built so magnificently that she all but melted, fitting perfectly in his embrace. They fit perfectly. That thought filled her heart and mind. They fit not just in a physical sense - which her heart would keep reminding her day in and day out.

As she penned down her thoughts about her albatross, she had no clue whatsover that the yearning she was describing and the emotions she enscribed on paper pertained to Can Divit. And she would not have believed that those emotions she tried so hard to display on paper came even harder to Can Divit himself. She hid her feelings. He did his best to understand them. She wrote them down. He was finding it hard to burry them deep in his heart. And neither of them had any idea just how much of their future would depend on the fact that she chose their love story as her first book in her life...

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