A ring of confusion...

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If someone told Sanem on the day she started her job at Fikri Harika that in no less than a week she would find herself kissing a mystery man, falling for her seemingly Bad King of a boss, coming in possession of the money so desperately needed to take back her father's store and as a result getting entangled in a web of lies she hadn't had the heart to understand, she never would have believed it.  But that was the reality of it. And now she stood face to face with the man who seemed to overpower her imagination with one look into her eyes.

When Can found her trespassing in his home, her mind went blank. Her wild imagination drew a blank. All because of his eyes. And all because of his firm yet everso delicate hand holding her arm. Can asked her why she had come. Knowing she could not tell him the truth, the only thing that came to her mind was a memory of Emre placing something in his jacket earlier that day. So she went along with her mind's only suggestion. Little did she know that that one little lie would set in motion a chain of events so confoundingly confusing that it would change the lifes of so many. Worst of all, it resulted in even more lies that would both link her closer to Can just as much as would cause a rift in their love.

Neither of them were prepared for what Can pulled out of Emre's jacket. He pulled out a ring. But not just any ring. An engagement ring. That ring of complete confusion scared Sanem. She had no idea what to say about the ring, or what to think of Can's reaction to it. She saw something in Can that baffled her even more than the ring. He wasn't just confused. She could have sworn he felt hurt by what he held in his hand. She brushed that feeling off, but hadn't forgotten it. They barely knew each other, but she somehow felt something for him the moment she saw him holding that ring. It wasn't just fear. She did not know how to describe it. She just knew that she felt it.

As Can seemed to have believed in her story that she was engaged, she took the ring and decided to leave. But trying to leave was easier said than done. In a true Sanem way based on how the day had turned out, the gate of Can's house appeared to have been locked. The tall garden fence offered the only way out, or so she thought. She climbed the fence, and jumping over it, fell to her knees. It came as no surprise to her that she bruised her knee. What made it worse, Can opened the gate with the gentlest ease and walked out after her. And she could not figure out if he was more baffled by finding her in his home or by finding her down on her knees on the other side of his fence.

Knowing she had no more explanations nor the  heart for any more lies, she fled. She called Emre and advised him of her failed mission. Yet she had not failed, she just added more depth to their story. And more twists and turns, for from that moment on she would do as Emre requested, and in the end she would get closer to Can and much closer to his heart. A heart that hadn't anticipated the fact that a heart of a dreamer filled with passion and light was exactly what he yearned for. And what he needed most of all...

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