A few choice words...

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Can valued his father's life like no one else's. He valued his opinion. He valued his choices. And he learned to never question them. For a great period of time it was just them against the world. Just the two of them against the fortunes and misfortunes of a family life broken apart. The bond they shared meant more to him than any other bond he ever shared with anyone. The moment his father asked him to take over the agency in his absence came as a surprise to him. But he also realized that there had to be a reason why his father chose him to manage the agency over Emre. He would soon begin to understand why...

Can was used to envy. It was part of life. He did not get to where he was now without experiencing it. Although he was used to it, he never understood it. Why people chose to feel envious instead of working harder themselves? To Can envy equated to someone's admittance of failure. To giving up instead of giving all they had. The fact that someone chose to display envy always surprised him too. Why anyone would choose to display their weakness? That is why he was so surprised to see his brother's envy spewing out of his eyes when he came to his office to confront him about the Albatross airlines campaign.

Can could not believe his brother's words. He was mad, no, furious. The fact that he could not control his temper did not bother him. They were brothers and he grew to expext that from Emre. But it was the words he used, and how he used them. It became aparent that Emre felt threatened by Can's position at the agency. Emre felt jelous that their father chose him over Emre. Can felt his temper simmering under his skin, but realized that matching Emre's temper with his would be a lost battle. He listened, let Emre speak, and then spoke out with as much control as he permitted himself. He had a few choice words to say to his brother. Why did Emre questionned his choice if he never questionned Emre's? That calmed Emre. But not for long. Can questionned Emre about the agency's finances. They were loosing ground, so why on earth the finance manager was not worried? To a man who did not understand finances, Can could see as clear as day, that the agency was in trouble. So why Emre chose to confront him instead of looking for ways to improve the finances? To Can's blant surprise, Emre went off on him with even more temper that Can would have expected. He would have liked to get to the bottom of that topic, but Emre stormed off. And that made Can realize that all things were not as positive at the agency as he presumed.

As a man who never sat still, he felt even more uneasy after his encounter with Emre. He tried concentrating but hardly could. He was a man who rarely controlled his temper, and the fact that he did with Emre kept that temper at bay, but it did not make that energy still within him disappear. He felt he needed fresh air, and asked Güliz to accompany him. He knew that if he asked her about the state of the company in the right words, she would be the best person to tell him just how good or bad things were. This way he would not only get information from Güliz, he would walk off the temper that was begging him to be released.

And it was released. By Sanem. It was always Sanem. He wasn't even surprised to find her back in his arms. He stopped questionning his luck as to why she always found a way to bump into him, show up unexpectedly, or pop up from out of nowhere. This time was no different. And no different was the light in her eyes. If he wasn't careful he was afraid he would get mesmerized by that light. As usual she denied any wrongdoing and refused to reveal what made her bump into him. He saw she held a sign, one she also refused to show him. He smiled because she clearly underestimated who she was dealing with. He had no problem making her loose her concentration by calling out Ceycey's name. The sign surprised him, for how could anyone mistake her for the 'other' Sanem? There was no 'other' Sanem. There never would be...

The fact that he bumped into Sanem threw his thoughts off tract. He forgot where he was going. He forgot why. But one thing was for certain. She was exactly what he needed to calm back down. His temper was back in line. The excess energy dissolved in a heartbeat. And he had to admit that as much as Sanem created storms wherever she went, she turned out to be the calming sea he didn't even know he was searching to find....

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