Bad King's true colors...

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Can Divit never realized his temper could be taken for a virtue. He knew he had a temper. One untamed, and as much uncontrolled as he attempted to control it. A short temper, which could never be tamed until he chose to tame it. And he never imagined he would get a kick out of acting on those fuses of his temper...

Can considered himself an upstanding man. Righteous and honest. And honorable, if he cared to go that far. That is why he made it a point in his life to make sure people around him played by the rules. That also pertained to Sanem. And more precisely, to her family. Even though he barely knew Mevkibe, he could already tell she was caring, loving, and righteous herself. He had not met Nihat, but judging by Sanem and Leyla, and Mevkibe, it was easy to guess that the entire Aydin family was as good as any of its members. With that in mind, he felt it only fair that they be treated fairly. Which meant that everyone associated with Aydins would have to play fair. And by everyone, he meant Çakal Ihsan.

The moment he saw Sanem argue with a man who clearly caused her a heartache, he felt the urge to find out who that man was, and what had he done to have angered Sanem so much. The fact that he would do everything in his power to help her wasn't even a question. It was a matter of a principal. And his affection toward Sanem had nothing to do with it. Absolutely. No matter how convincing Metin's chuckle was, letting Can know he'd already fallen for her.

Can did not have to be told twice that what Çakal did was wrong. His blood boiled. He held his temper by threds, not wanting to let Sanem know he knew anything about the store. He liked to be a hero, but always a silent one. He never did anything for prizes or awards. He simply did it because he cared. And even if he still tried to deny it to Metin that he cared about Sanem, he would have been a fool to deny it to himself. And he was no fool...

Walking into the Çakal Bakkal, Can felt as if the air of righteousness carried him in. That determined strut only made him feel better. And he knew he would enjoy playing the part of a macho. And he did. Coming in and seeing the state of the store only made him more angry. And more determined. A man who did not value and appreciate his work never carried any respect in Can's eyes. He closed the doors behind him and watched with pleasure the confusion in Çakal's eyes. It was no secret the man had a hard time putting two and two together. Especially since he couldn't even do simple math...

Can felt he grew taller with each step he took around the store. He appreciated Metin's help. He had no problem scaring Çakal. He just hoped the man would be able to comprehend what he was trying to tell him. It was like hitting a brick wall. Until Can acknowledged his engagement ring. Çakal pointed out Can's attachment and keen observation to rings, and it only brought Can's temper up a few notches. So the man knew how to carelessly and unknowingly push buttons too, Can thought, since he hit Can where it hurt. He would pay for that too...

Prolonging the conversation was pointless. So Can got straight to business. The store was to return to the Aydins. For 40,000 lira, not a lira more. Or Can would be back. And it would be better for Çakal if he did not have to return. Can wanted to stare his opponent down, but there was nothing behind his opponent's eyes that could have scared him more than he already was. Çakal's blind stare made him realize his mission was accomplished. He would just have to make sure Çakal didn't wait too long to return the store to its rightful owner. Walking out of the store, Can felt amazing. He felt so great that he even told the little man he was walking away from to bring chocolates to the owner's daughter, to make sure he would rush to Aydins as a first order of business.

So Sanem called him a Bad King? So be it, but he would show his true colours, in his own kingly way. His balance was restored, temper raised to the ceiling's heights was now all in check because it released its tension in the best possible of ways, and Can's inner peace was back. He couldn't even be bothered by Çakal's question of who he was. He only gave him one answer. He was an obsessed man. How obsessed, he only knew...

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