A call to arms...

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When the heart begins to care, it will stop at nothing to help the loved one in need. Even if the loved one does not realize he is loved. Even if the one who loves is too shy to admit her true feelings...

What was done was done. Even if she begged the stars up above and the luck of her fate, it would not turn back the clock. Can suffered, and she could not escape the despair of the thought that she played a part in his sorrow. Emre turned out to be the worst kind of a brother she could have imagined. Whatever he had of conscience in him, it was smaller than a grain of sand. She wanted to scream out at him and remind him of all the wrongs he had done. But she couldn't, because in her naivety agreed to play part in his game. Can never wanted to harm the agency. He never wanted to sell it. He only wanted to prove his father proud. But Emre, instead of seeing in Can a brother who cared about their father, only saw a competitor. He never bothered to see past his sick ambition. He was the one who never cared about the agency or its employees. He never once thought hiw his father would feel about partnering with Aylin and bringing her back to the agency. He only cared about a title, a little brass sign on his door that would show the world that he was better than Can. Truth was, he would never measure up to Can. And Emre knew it. And that was the worst part that ate at his heart.

Sanem knew she was to blame. But she also knew she needed to help. Not to clear her conscience, but to help clear Can's name. She cared. No, she loved. Even though she was reminded by everyone around her that she would never be good enough for Can. Even though she was reminded that someone like Can would never bother to look down so low as to look for her. But none of that mattered. She loved. She cared. Even if it was onesided. Even if he did not care. She held in her heart a handful of moments that he made her feel special, and that was enough to fill her dreamer's heart. He held her close, he made her feel safe. He made her feel cherished. He made her dream. She would never ask for more. She realized than now she wouldn't even be able to reveal to him what really lay in her heart. He would never accept it. He would never accept her...

But she decided to act. She knew Ayhan, and Ayhan knew people. Sanem would not sit still and wait for Can to disappear forever. Not until she turned every stone to look for whomever placed those photographs online. So she called Ayhan. And went to look for Can. She was grateful to Deren for letting her search for him. Whatever their differences and issues were, they both cared about Can. With her heart set on finding him, she turned to the one place she knew his heart would turn to. She turned to nature. She searched high and searched low. And finally sound a sign of hope, so desperately needed at that moment. She found his car. That was a good sign. And a flash of that hope burned brighter and brighter. She caught herself thinking that he was not a man to follow a path. He had his own trails, own paths beneath his feet. And a jab grabbed at her heart, because she realized that even though she barely knew him, she knew him more than those around her.

While looking for Can Sanem did something more. She set in motion a chain of events that changed two other lives forever. She called Ayhan. And she called Ceycey. Ayhan was more of a sister to her than Leyla ever could. She also knew the whole story between Sanem and Can. And Ceycey? Every new day Sanem saw more of a friend in Ceycey than a co-worker. It was hard to describe, but they understood each other on a level completely different than all other co-workers at the agency. Ceycey was Sanem's equivalent of Ayhan at work. They just clicked. So it was no question to Sanem that Ceycey was the perfect and the only person who could help Ayhan. And, as it turned out, Ayhan was the only person who would help his lonely heart...

Though Ceycey was scared to help them, he had no choice. Can Bey was in trouble, and needed their help. Can needed his help. Sanem wasted no little words to demand that he man-up and join Ayhan. It was a time for a call to arms. All hands on deck. Because the one who needed their help the most had to be found. Because once he was found, he would realize that there were people in his life to whom he mattered. Who cared so much that they would forgo their fears just to make matters right again.

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