Two peas in a pod...

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To describe true love would be an undertaking of the century.  To describe true friendship would be one just as well. True friendship comes from somewhere deep inside. True understanding of a friend's heart that is priceless. Much like true the support it offers. Unconditional. Unwavered. Unshakeable...

Sanem and Ceycey. Ceycey and Sanem. They went together like no one else at the Fikri Harika. That was because they understood each other. Not just understood, they figured each other out. They accepted each other, without question. And they supported one another in everything they did. In a way that was completely NOT understandable to anyone else. There was just something that clicked between them, a mutual understanding and a recognition of souls. A soul sister finding her soul brother. They understood each other without words, even if it meant that they appeared as utterly complete odd balls to everyone else.

Sanem believed with her whole heart in her suspicion that Emre did not change. And that was enough for Ceycey to believe in her words. If she did not trust him, neither would he. As such, each word Emre spoke, each gesture of his hand, each breath he took was under suspicion. And the words that Ceycey heard ran down his spine in the most cold and bone chilling way. Quite frankly, it was one word that he heard that did it. Aylin. It was the one word he heard come out of Emre's mouth that convinced him that Sanem was right. And that she was right all along.

He was not a man to ever keep a secret to himself, and this was no secret to be kept by any means. He originally thought that Emre may have been speaking with Aylin, but quickly dismissed the notion as out of this world. But Emre proved him wrong in that thinking and right in his suspicion. The mere mention of Aylin's name gave Ceycey a whiplash. He spared no time to call Sanem to his side. He needed to tell her about his discovery. She rushed to him and felt the surge of energy pulse through her, because Ceycey admitted that she was right about Emre and about suspecting his intentions were not good.

They decided to follow Emre. They grabbed their coats, and were concerned with only one task - confirming evidence of Emre's treachery. And they almost made it out. Almost, because Deren stopped them dead in their tracks. She demanded answers as to why they were leaving. And where were they going? Sanem relied on Ceycey for an answer to that question by holding onto him. He in turn relied on hers. So she came up with the first thing that popped into her mind. They would go to the printshop to confirm layout for the upcoming presentation. Deren was glad to hear that they thought of the campaign, and she agreed to let them leave. So, they did, but not before Ceycey let his shut nerves fly through his mouth and shouted Emre's name at Deren, for which he received a not-so-genlte beating from Sanem.

They left the agency and called for a taxi. Through all of the rush, Ceycey shouted at the driver, but forgot he stood outside of the vehicle. For that, he received another sisterly lash out of verbatum from Sanem. But that was nothing compared to the less than logical conversation they shared at the restaurant where they followed Emre. The fact that they walked in and realized the level of the restaurant clientelle made their heads spin. They settled at a table far yet not far from Emre's. And they hoped that Emre would not catch them right in the act of spying on him. All was going according to Sanem's unconventional plan, until a waiter came and asked for their order. Though Sanem told the waiter they would take some time to go over the menu, Ceycey could not handle his excitement, and told the waiter they were there because Emre was there to meet Aylin. And again, he received a purely sisterly treatment from Sanem.

As their spying continued, one thing was for certain. Though they had a perfect view of Emre, they were unable to see the face of the woman Emre met for lunch. So they searched for clues. Tried as she might, Sanem was becoming less and less convinced that the woman Emre met with was actually Aylin. Her photographic memory could not be fooled. The woman's hair seemed to be of wrong length, her shoulders were not a match, and neither were the woman's ears - or, lack thereof. But Ceycey was convinced it was her. So they stayed at the restaurant, and took photographs of Emre and his companion. To Sanem's dismay, the situation caused Ceycey to loose his concentration. So much so that he began to chuckle. She asked why he was giggling, and she could not believe that Ceycey added a filter to his telephone camera, and began to shoot photographs with little hearts floating around Emre's head, and then zoomed around the restaurant with a different camera filter. Needless to say, Sanem spared no time to let him know what she thought about what he was doing.

Since they could not figure out a good angle to decipher the woman's identity, they moved closer to Emre. In fact, they finally moved so close that they could figure out who the woman was. And it wasn't Aylin. Though, technically, it was Aylin, but not "their" Aylin. Ceycey begged on Sanem's mercy because he swore he heard Emre mention the word Aylin during the telephone conversation. She did not know how to reply - she did not know whether to feel relieved or disappointed that the woman was not Aylin. The moment they caught onto the truth, Emre did as well. And it left him without a shred of doubt that Sanem and Ceycey spied on him. And that they did not trust him. Rightfully, he thought, but not in this case.

As they were leaving the restaurant, Sanem felt more ashamed than mad at herself that they were caught. She also feared that Emre would reveal to Can that they spied on him. Because if he did, they stood a chance of being fired. Two peas in a pod, or not, they would share the same fate. And it looked less than dimmed...

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