Hot Spring

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idea donated by isabellabelly

It's been a long time since I wrote or posted...

it felt good to actually get something done, although things here at my place are hectic as ever. 


you were on your way home, back to the base, when the two of you decided to spend the night at a hot spring nearby to relax from that...



"if I recall...your grandmother said to not leave you on your own in a hotspring" Kisame teased as the two of you got undressed

"oh shut up. Next time I realize something embaressing is being told, I'm going to rip your ears off!" you grouched pouting

"Oh, right...just after you crawl up here to get them" he laughed with an eye roll

There was a gentle paused for a good few moments as you finished removing your clothing. The two of you just in towels now.

"hey, are you alright after all that?" your blue man asked bending down to you a tad

"after all what???" you blinked a but confused

"about the whole thing with your grandmother" he pushed

"ah that..." you looked away then headed towards the spring

"don't avoid the question...!"

"Kisame, I meant what I said." You confirmed as you stepped into the spring and set your towel on the edge "I'm perfectly fine with choosing you over some stupid old tradition. This blood of's doomed anyways."

"it's not doomed" he grouched following you into the water

"it is. Regardless of what I chose, there's only really me. So it doesn't matter whom I'm with. The blood of my family either continues by one generation, or it ends with me. So I don't see how being unhappy will do any good. I pick you and I'm happy with you"

Kisame's cheeks steadily grew darker and darker

"so why don't we enjoy our time here?" you grinned grabbing his towel and swimming across the spring as fast as you could cackling like a madman

"(name!) Hey!!!"


"well, that was fucking awful" Hidan griped as you practically threw his clothes at you and dove into the hotspring

"Hidan! Urgh-!" you threw his clothes into the hamper provided and ripped your own off before charging after him "I'M NOT YOUR MAID!"

"just get in here" he called grabbing your anckle and dragging you inside the piping hot water



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