Valentines Day

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soooooo...i realize that V day is long past and will not come for another long time...however, due to the world's awful state, i thought of some cute shit was needed.

This is a rather short, no dialogue scenario...but so was xmas and halloween.

I'm going to try and space out any other holidays too.



Gets you a large stuffed animal and a small bouquet of iris'

Claims that he couldn't leave the store without the items

Tries not to be mushy near the other guys

Ends up being mushy near the other guys

Gets teased by Hidan and Deidara

Chases them both around the base for half an hour

Tries to give you a romantic night

Ten minutes in, Hidan and Deidara started banging on the bedroom door, scared you both and ruined the mood entirely.


Bought you a package of fancy brownies and little cakes

Tried to convince you that he had made them

He very obviously didn't

Attempted to give you a romantic night

But it was a far cry from romantic

But, he was trying his best...and you appreciated that


Made you a beautiful non-exploding sculpture

Then blew up some sculptures that he made to make you laugh

Got your favourite food for supper

Convinced you that he made it

He actually had help and spent 2 hours convincing Itachi to help him make it

Swept you off your feet and carried you to bed like the princess you are

Watched some rom-coms with you in bed until you got sleepy


Got you a big stuffed animal and a bouquet of roses

Spent a good portion of the day whipping up little deserts

Made you your favourite foods – and actually cooked them

Watched a few rom-coms with you after supper

Successfully courted you into bed~


Actually spends a bit of money

Does buy the cheapest he can find of each thing he does buy though, did you expect something more?

Nah ah brudda

Makes you a decent meal

Puts up with your mauling cuddles – for now

Doesn't attempt to woo you because he's tired from your 'bullshit'

Does willingly give you cute snuggles in bed though


You. Are. His. Most. Precious.

Somehow makes you a stuffed animal

You don't ask him how

You don't want to know in all honesty

Instead of just giving you the candies, he feeds them cutely to you while you both laze in bed

Is totally acceptable with giving you a very romantic night in bed

Totally sweeps you off your feet


Gods help us all.

Buys you candy with Kakuzu's money

Get's a black eye

Convinces Deidara to help him make you a sculpture

It blows up in your face – non-leathally though

Picks flowers for you

They were from Zetsu's garden and was stabbed a lot with nettles

Must I continue?

You sure???

Asks Itachi to help him cook

Melts some dango into the meal accidentally

Almost dies again

I just...*le sigh*

You gather him yourself and keep him to the bedroom for safety reasons

...for like the next three days


Plants several plants in your honour

All said plants are your favourite colours and has been working on this mini garden cute spot for months


Does give you cut bouquet too...but tells you that he asked the plants for permission

Gives you chocolate roses too

Almost eats tobi when the poor man eats three of said chocolate flowers

You have to pry him off


Okay you AND Kakuzu do

Kakuzu was not happy to waste his time

Attempted to have a night romantic night

Tobi kept trying to apologize and interrupted everything


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