Christmas Edition

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Wasn’t really into the whole xmas thing, but was enthusiastic about it enough to keep you happy

Bought you a few cute presents like a hair pin and then took you skating

Ate all the cookies you made for ‘Santa’

Broke all the lights because he was frustrated when he got tangled in them


Actually wore the santa suit

Threw coal at kids at the park

Bought you a movie you wanted for a while (most likely something more action like or gore filled (ex: Underworld))

Tried to seduce you as Santa


Hand knitted (somehow) a hat and scarf for you

Made ice sculptures outside with you

Left boobie traps for santa (to which were triggered by a very unhappy Hidan first thing in the morning)


Took you out around the ‘town’

Very traditional xmas, including caroling

Made you a Christmas cake (the cute anime ones with strawberries!)

Got you a pretty yet practical gift


Got you jewelry (SHOCK SHOCK)

Was very stingy on decorations, but as such let you get the fancier ones

Helped you make popcorn garland…then helped you eat it all

Wore the santa hat and demanded cookies


Brought you outside to make snow art with food colours…then complained that it was a waste because it would not stay

Gave you a handmade present (ex: a fancy handpicked stone/gem bracelet)

Burned the Santa outfit

Made you hand make and customize the tree ornaments


Wore the Santa outfit…then forcibly stripped and dressed you in the elf one

Demanded you get the absolute biggest tree in the store/tree lot

Lots of poorly wrapped presents

Screeching Christmas songs nonstop the entire month of Christmas

Almost blinded you with the amount of lights on the tree


Bought several live trees then attempted to help them root because he felt bad that they were ‘slaughter farmed’

Refused you any plastic ornaments because glass was better (maybe to save the environment? He wouldn’t tell you why)

Ate the Santa suit

Gifted you one of the tree’s ‘babies’ and helped you plant it outside

Sorry its late, but i got it out!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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