He busts you out (prt 1)

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It felt like an eternity. Being bound to that chair within the cell that is.

Tsunade came down to talk with you originally – she must have been hoping to get you to talk to her since you were familiar with her and were friends at one point (despite the large age gap). But you sorrowfully told her that you couldn’t tell her anything.

There wasn’t much about the aktasuki in the ‘evil plan’ folder that you knew anyways. Pein made everyone swear not to speak to you about it, a few things slipped here and there like that they had gone after the two tails and such. But you weren’t allowed to know why or anything about it. And that was Hidan’s fault – he had screamed it walking out of the leader’s office when you had coincidentally been walking past to the laundry room.

Your clan’s secrets on the other hand…you knew a great deal. But you swore to your (relative) never to tell anyone who wasn’t of the blood. Tsunade had an idea and so did your beloved…but seeing as you weren’t a ninja anyways, it was never pressed further.

Once she gave up, a man was the only one to see you. Tsunade had called him Ibiki – and the man frankly terrified you. He kept wording things funny and manipulating your words to make you say something you didn’t want to…and after you let one thing slip…

You refused to speak. It was easier if you didn’t…

“(name)…” Tsunade’s voice sighed as she leaned against the side of the open wide cell door “do you know how much this hurts me? I’ve known you since you were just a tiny thing…I feel for you like you were my sibling or perhaps even child…why won’t you tell me?” This was the first time since she had originally visited you, although that time she was quite enraged with the knowledge that you were an akatsuki… “…and not only are you apart of them…but you’re involved with one” she practically spat the words.

To this, you turned and looked at her sadly

“tsunade-sama…” you rasped out as you had been denied water up until Tsunade found out – hence the visit

“here, drink some more. Ibiki will get a good talking to for this – I won’t let it go (name)” she rushed out quickly handing you another glass and waited for you to finish your drink before speaking again “why don’t you come here with me? This can be your home you know, and I’m here. Shizune too – you remember her right?”

“yes, I remember.” You nodded softly “but Tsunade-sama…I really don’t know anything that would be of use to you” you answered honestly “the leader makes the others swear not to say anything to me…and I don’t ask questions. I can’t tell you about my clan either…you know the reason to that. Not even the man who holds my heart knows about my clan’s power.”


“I can’t stay here Tsunade-sama…I wish we could see each other all the time – I really do. I missed you terribly all these years. But,”

“but what?! You’re going to align with my enemies – to the ninja world’s enemy?!” she yelled rage taking over as she smashed through the stone wall and the metal bars. You only gave her a weak smile, her outburst no longer something that fased you – although as a child they scared you easily

“but my home is with him. With all of them. They’re honestly very kind to me, despite their quirks and sometimes their less desierable traits. I’m loved dearly by my love. Leader is like a dad and Konan is like a mom, they keep everyone out of trouble -more or less. Kakuzu might be OCD with his money but he’ll help you out if you’re generally polite to him and Hidan might be a loud mouth and swears all the time…but he’s a loyal person – perhaps to a fault. Itachi is quiet but he’s very skilled in lots of things and will help you if you so much as ask him. Kisame is hilarious and can be very self-depricating but he’ll boost you up in a moment. Sasori is super smart and very creative – so is Deidara although Deidara is a bit of a dork, in a good way. Tobi is super childish but that’s the best part of him and Zetsu is very caring – I mean he takes care of all those plants and not a single once dies!”

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